CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY: 1 CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS: cl_intel_accelerator cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation cl_intel_motion_estimation cl_intel_subgroups cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr...
}/// create memory in OpenCL context://cl_mem mem_vec1 = clCreateBuffer(my_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, vector_size *sizeof(ScalarType), &(vec1[0]), &err); VIENNACL_ERR_CHECK(err); cl_mem mem_vec2 = clCreateBuffer(my_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_...
Local memory type Global Local memory size 32768 (32KiB) Max number of constant args 480 Max constant buffer size 131072 (128KiB) Max size of kernel argument 3840 (3.75KiB) Queue properties (on host) Out-of-order execution Yes Profiling Yes Local thread execut...
CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY: 1 CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS: cl_intel_accelerator cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation cl_intel_motion_estimation cl_intel_subgroups cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr...
CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY: 1 CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS: cl_intel_accelerator cl_intel_advanced_motion_estimation cl_intel_motion_estimation cl_intel_subgroups cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_global_int32_...
Local memory type Global Local memory size 32768 (32KiB) Max number of constant args 480 Max constant buffer size 131072 (128KiB) Max size of kernel argument 3840 (3.75KiB) Queue properties (on host) Out-of-order execution Yes Profiling Yes Local thread execution (Intel) Y...
Local memory type Global Local memory size 32768 (32KiB) Max number of constant args 480 Max constant buffer size 131072 (128KiB) Max size of kernel argument 3840 (3.75KiB) Queue properties (on host) Out-of-order execution Yes Profiling Yes ...
Local memory type Global Local memory size 32768 (32KiB) Max number of constant args 480 Max constant buffer size 131072 (128KiB) Max size of kernel argument 3840 (3.75KiB) Queue properties (on host) Out-of-order execution Yes Profiling Yes ...