Fungi Fungi Do not make food from sunlight. They feed on dead or decayed materials. Mushrooms and yeasts are a type of fungus. Unlike mushrooms, yeasts are made up of only one cell. Some yeast cells can be seen only with a microscope. Scientists classify fungi according to size, shape, ...
1 - $300 Protists are organisms that are neither plants, animals, or fungi. Because of this, they belong to this domain. Eukarya 1 - $400 Paramecium use these tiny hair-like structures for movement. cilia 1 - $500 This is a change in gene frequency over time. evolution 2 - $100 Th...
Fungi •Mushrooms,toadstools,moulds,yeasts •Mushrooms,toadstoolsandmouldsaremulticellular,yeastsareunicellular•Nochloroplasts•Cellwallsaremadeofchitin Multicelluarfungi •Reproductionisbyfruitingbodieswhichreleasespores •Cellsjoinuptomakehypae(hi-fee)•Thesemakeanetworkcalledamycelium•Digestionis...
•K—PC—OF---GS•Kingdoms•Phyla•Classes•Orders•Families•Genera•Species •界•门•纲•目•科•属•种 Human KingdomPhylumClassOrderFamilyGenusSpeciesBinomialname AnimalChordataMammaliaPrimateHominidaeHomoSapiensH.Sapiens 5Kingdoms •1.Animal •2.Plant •3.Fungi Eukaryote...
Fungi – Multi-celled organisms that do not produce their own food, unlike plants. Examples include molds, mushrooms, and yeast. Protista – Single-celled organisms with more complexity than either eubacteria or archaebacteria. Examples include algae and amoebas ...
3. What are the complications of this disease? 4. How to treat pneumonia? Warming up 1 Tips 1. What caused pneumonia? Germs, such as bacterial, viruses, fungi, or parasites. 2. What happen to the alveoli when the inflammation occurs ? The inflammation causes the alveoli to fill with ...
classification ClassificationofOrganisms Taxonomy分类学 Taxon (分类阶元)Kingdom(界)Phylum(门)Class(纲)Order(目)Family(科)Genus(属)Species(种)•Inthe1760’s,SwedishbiologistCarl林奈Linnaeususedatwo-wordsystemfornamingorganisms•Thissystemiscalledbinomialnomenclature 双名法 瑞典 •Thefirstwordisthegenus...
2. According to the passage, what are most of the organisms living on Earth? F plants G animals H fungi I archaea and bacteria Chapter 9 Standardized Test Preparation 2. According to the passage, what are most of the organisms living on Earth? F plants G animals H fungi I archaea and ...
Scientific Classification Plants in the same genus have similar characteristics Plants in the same species consistently produce plants of the same types Scientific Classification Family Phylum Kingdom Species Genus Order Class 4 Most Important Divisions of the Plant Kingdom Thallophytes: algae, fungi, ...
1. Porifera- Sponges Have bodies made of loosely joined cells (multicellular) Sponges - the simplest animals, lack defined tissues and organs Have the ability to disaggregate and aggregate their cells Are hermaphroditic. Fertilized eggs become free-swimming larvae, which attached...