如何在Native侧访问应用包内Rawfile资源 如何在Native侧跨模块访问资源 如何在Native侧获取APP版本信息 ArkTS和Native如何动态加载、卸载so ArkTS的对象数据与Native的对象数据如何绑定,相互持有对象数据时内存如何管理 NAPI执行上层回调时,如何获取env Native如何调ArkTS的方法 如何在Native侧集成三方库Curl,并...
如何在Native侧访问应用包内Rawfile资源 如何在Native侧跨模块访问资源 如何在Native侧获取APP版本信息 ArkTS和Native如何动态加载、卸载so ArkTS的对象数据与Native的对象数据如何绑定,相互持有对象数据时内存如何管理 NAPI执行上层回调时,如何获取env Native如何调ArkTS的方法 如何在Native侧集成三方库Curl,并...
It was my fault there, If you are using User class in controller then you need to use model namespace there in Controller, Middleware, or blade file then you must have used model namespace on top. so let's see bellow solution and example code here: Solution: You must need to add ...
{{userPopoverData.nickname}} LV.{{userPopoverData.bbs_level_info.bbs_level }} {{userPopoverData.title || '暂无简介' }} 回答 {{userPopoverData.posts_count || 0}} 发布 {{userPopoverData.thread_count || 0}} 粉丝 {{userPopoverData.fans_num || 0}} {{ userPopoverData.is_foll...
($controller_user, $controller_password, $controller_url, $site_id, $controller_version, true); $login = $unifi_connection->login(); $results = $unifi_connection->list_alarms(); // returns a PHP array containing alarm objects } catch (CurlExtensionNotLoadedException $e) { echo 'Curl...
DIDiskQuotaUser Aborting the Transaction MSMQQueue.ReceiveFirstByLookupId Visual Basic Code Example: Retrieving MSMQQueueInfo.FormatName I (Windows) CLUSPROP_SZ structure (Windows) _IRDPSessionEvents::OnViewingSizeChanged method (Windows) InstallHotFix method of the PS_NetworkControllerNode class (Prelimi...
UserFilesController.php | 25 +- app/Http/Controllers/Users/UsersController.php | 37 +- app/Http/Livewire/Importer.php | 16 + app/Http/Livewire/SlackSettingsForm.php | 36 +- app/Http/Requests/CustomAssetReportRequest.php | 46 + app/Http/Requests/StoreAssetRequest.php | 40 + app/Http/...
{//create admin user//owa_coreAPI::debug('password: '.owa_lib::encryptPassword( $this->c->get('base', 'db_password') ) );$im->createAdminUser($this->getParam('email_address'),$this->getParam('real_name'),$this->c->get('base','db_password'));// create default site$im->...
“Error: type name is not allowed” message in editor but not during compile [ WinSocket 2 ] Flush socket [C\C++] - how get arrow keys(correctly) using getch()? [C\C++] - how put the window in center of screen and how avoid the user resize it? [C\C++] - key up and key dow...
$groupUser->group_id = $group_id; $groupUser->user_id = $user->id; $groupUser->saveThis(); } erLhcoreClassUser::instance()->setLoggedUser($user->id); }returntrue; }else{thrownewException('Username field not found'); }