Do You Need A Class Action Lawsuit Loan? Class Action Lawsuits are big business. This information comes straight from Stanford. As of right now there is over 98 billion awarded in class action from 1996 to YTD. The most frequently sued sector is Technology followed by Services, Financial, and...
The article reports on the class action suit filed by borrowers against Wells Fargo. The borrowers claim that the bank suspended their home equity line of credit accounts and limited their credit lines by falsely claiming the customers' finances have materially changed. The lawsuit was filed in a...
Los Angeles, CA: Wells Fargo Bank is facing an unfair business practices class action lawsuit over allegations it doesn’t refund unused fees customers are charged for a service to prepay debt cancellation on outstanding car loans when a customer’s car is wrecked. According to the ...
$21M Bank of America Fees Class Action Deadline: Pending Without Proof: N/A With Proof: Pending Submit Claim Unilever® Dove Suave Dry Shampoo Recall Deadline: Pending Without Proof: $10.00 With Proof: Varies Submit Claim $5 Billion Smartphone Price-Fixing Class Action Lawsuit ...
News, information and alerts about class action lawsuits, class action settlements, class action lawyers & attorneys & class action law...
I am collecting customers and stories to file a class action lawsuit against Intuit. I am encouraging anyone who has had Quicken hold deposits to send me an email at [removed]. I am current compiling facts and customers to file a class action lawsuit against Intuit. T...
We represent a class of residents in theNew York City Housing Authority(“NYCHA”) in a class-action lawsuit over NYCHA’s failure to adequately remediate mold in public housing, which has deleterious health effects on all residents, but particularly on those with asthma or other respiratory diso...
形容词:class-action 近义、反义、联想词 近义词 n. lawsuit,suit,case,cause,causa 英语例句库 1.Class actionlawsuits are now being brought against fast food chains for their misrepresentative and misleading marketing techniques. 现在有人因为快餐连锁店隐瞒 ...
* Celebrity trial attorney Mark Geragos has filed a $100 million class-action lawsuit against rapper Ja Rule and entrepreneur Billy McFarland, the organizers of the ill-fated Fyre Festival, an event marked by “incompetence on an almost inconceivable scale.” In an interview with Variety, Gerag...
$3.8M DaVita Patient Privacy Class Action Settlement Deadline: December 4, 2024 Without Proof: N/A With Proof: Varies Submit Claim $5 Billion Smartphone Price-Fixing Class Action Lawsuit Deadline: Pending Without Proof: Varies With Proof: Varies ...