3.the total culture and way of life of a particular people, nation, region, or period:classical civilization. 4.the process of bringing or achieving civilization 5.intellectual, cultural, and moral refinement 6.cities or populated areas, as contrasted with sparsely inhabited areas, deserts, etc ...
The meaning of CIVILIZATION is a relatively high level of cultural and technological development; specifically : the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained. How to use civilization in a sentence.
3.(Languages) of, relating to, or characteristic of the Aztecs, their civilization, or their language 4.(Peoples) of, relating to, or characteristic of the Aztecs, their civilization, or their language [C18: from SpanishAzteca,from NahuatlAztecatl,fromAztlan,their traditional place of origin, ...
The newOfficial Civilization III Siteis located athttp://www.civ3.com. This new official site was opened to the public on August 9th, 2001 at around 7 PM EST. The old official Civ3 Site was located athttp://www.firaxis.com/Civ3(it now points to Civ3.com). Infogramesproduct info ...
Two months ago, CAC launched a proposal on boycotting rumors from the Internet together with several other counterparts, calling on society as a whole to join hands and tackle online rumors. There have also been activities that promoted positive ethical values and a better online environment. Spec...
XLGames and 2K are currently working on Civilization Online, an MMO title which is being powered by Crytek's very capable CryEngine 3. The new Civilization Online will shift away from the usual turn-based strategy game, into a single character within one of four societies.Civilization...
injection civilization online-game civilization-vi baldurs-gate injector-games baldurs-gate-3 local-game Updated Mar 9, 2024 C++ tsjensen / civbuddy Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Original Civilization Board Game Utility board-game civilization civilization-boardgame francis-tresham Updated ...
This 3 × 5 Civilizationdoi:10.1080/00131724309340836HayesFrancisEducational Forum
Formula (8) is used to calculate the proportion of the i-th sample value for the u-th indicator in the matrix to the sum of the indicator value during the study period:(8)piμ=yiμ∑i=118yiμ,i=1,⋯,18;u=1,2,3,4,5 The entropy value of the µ-th indicator can be ...
Cross-Platform Play with your iPad (minimum iPad Mini 2 or iPad 3), iPhone (minimum iPhone 5) or any recent Android device with more than 1Gb of RAM. PC, Mac and Linux compatible. (Still not distributed) Free for all All content for free. ...