Does an LTSR program exist for other Citrix Workspace app / Receiver clients? Customers utilizing a non-Windows Workspace app are encouraged to stay on the latest Current Release even in conjunction with LTSR sites. Release timing When will a customer running a Long Term Service Release site need...
From Carl WebsterHow to Make Director the Default Page within IIS: If Director is installed on a standalone server, do the following to set/Directoras the default path. If Director and StoreFront are on the same server, then you’ll probably want StoreFront Receiver for Web as the default...
To bind this policy to only mobile devices, use the expression below: REQ.HTTP.HEADER User-Agent CONTAINS CitrixReceiver: 8. Create an LDAP policy for non-mobile devices. To bind this policy to only non-mobile devices, use the expression that follows: REQ.HTTP.HEADER User-Agent NOTCONTAINS...