View all careers at Cloud Software Group. Formed from a merger of Citrix and TIBCO, Cloud Software Group is now one of the world’s largest cloud solution providers, serving more than 100 million users around the globe. When you join Cloud Software Group
Please join Cloud Software Group for the Citrix and NetScaler January Partner webinar. This webinar will get you up to date on the latest programs, products, and enablement tools and resources. Accelerate your partnership and drive success as a valued partner of Cloud Software Group!
Cloud Software Group: Citrix and NetScaler solutions Customer References (5) Sorted by: A-Z Aria CoreSenses Rain for Rent Xenit Xenit AB Locations (1) Headquarters Fort Lauderdale 851 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33309, United States Cannot find what you are looking...
自从Citrix被Cloud Software Group收购退市后,曾经的虚拟化巨头其实某种意义上已经名存实亡。Cloud Software Group为大规模企业提供关键任务软件。思杰、TIBCO、NetScaler、Jaspersoft、ibi和ShareFile都是Cloud Software Group旗下的品牌。云原生时代的弃儿 政治与经济总是息息相关,在众所周知的中美之间的PK中,IT产业肯...
2023年11月8日,云头条致电思杰(Citrix)中国,证实其将退出中国市场。 翻译版如下: 由于我们在市场开展的所有商业业务活动的成本不断提高,Cloud Software Group已决定停止在中国市场(包括香港地区和澳门地区)的所有新的商业交易,包括直接面向客户的交易和通过渠道合作伙伴开展的交易,此规定自2023年12月3日起生效。
思杰系统(Citrix)母公司Cloud Software Group考虑出售文件共享平台ShareFile,估值约15亿美元。 文章来源:财联社 责任编辑:135 郑重声明:东方财富发布此内容旨在传播更多信息,与本站立场无关,不构成投资建议。据此操作,风险自担。 举报 东方财富网 网友评论 登录| 注册 清除 提交评论 郑重声明: 1.根据《证券...
Citrix Demo Center,Demonstrating how Citrix is powering mobile workstylesand cloud services,Cloud Networking Demos,Desktop Virtualization Demos, Showcase how this is done through market-leading cloud, networking and virtualization technologies
该交易,直接将思杰整合进入了Cloud Software Group,CSG还包括了另外五个技术厂商,如NetScaler、Jaspersoft、TIBCO、ibi、ShareFile。不过,2023年初就开始有不少外媒称包括思杰Citrix在内的CSG云软件集团开始千人规模的裁员,后续又有类似消息不断被媒体放大。然而,资本领域的折腾,并没有让思杰Citrix走出发展的阴影,...
Explore the Citrix Platform for advanced application delivery, desktop virtualization, and Zero Trust security - designed for any cloud or hybrid environment. Achieve enterprise-wide access and control with NetScaler technology, streamline management acr
芯极速消息,美国思杰系统(Citrix System)公司近日宣布,因成本原因将退出中国市场,该决定于12月3日生效。 据悉,思杰、TIBCO、NetScaler、Jaspersoft、ibi和ShareFile都是Cloud Software Group旗下的品牌。今年年初,母公司进行了一次大规模裁员,一次性裁掉了数千名员工。