Citrix 是应用程序与桌面虚拟化领域的领导者 Citrix 是应用程序与桌面虚拟化领域的领导者,其完整、灵活的解决方案可向使用任何设备的用户交付 Windows 应用与桌面,同时将有价值的信息安全存放在数据中心。通过同时确保粒状控制和不打折扣的用户体验,Citrix 应用和桌面虚拟化技术帮助您的组织跟上不断变化的业务需求,同时...
Citrix workspace software delivers the business technology that creates a simple, secure and better way to work from anywhere and on any device.
Citrix makes IT efficient, creates amazing user experiences, bolsters security, and enables modern work without complexity. Extend the power of Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 with Citrix Strengthen security Benefit from advanced threat-thwarting security policies, platform observability, and zero ...
Explore the Citrix Platform for advanced application delivery, desktop virtualization, and Zero Trust security - designed for any cloud or hybrid environment. Achieve enterprise-wide access and control with NetScaler technology, streamline management acr
Citrix Monitor 现在与 Citrix Cloud 中的所有其他组件保持一致,从而提供统一的平台体验。 用户界面已更新为现代外观,提供更轻松的导航和更好的数据表示。 增强的界面直观,旨在帮助用户轻松理解监控和排除 Citrix 会话故障所需的数据。 “连接”选项卡的增强功能.这 连接 选项卡现在提供简化的导航,以便更快地进行故障...
Download Citrix Workspace App, Citrix ADC and all other Citrix workspace and networking products. Receive version updates, utilities and detailed tech information.
Download Citrix Workspace App, Citrix ADC and all other Citrix workspace and networking products. Receive version updates, utilities and detailed tech information.
Citrix ® XenApp™是一种按需应用交付解决方案,能够在数据中心对所有Windows ®应用实现虚拟化、集中部署和管理,并能作为一项服务、通过任何设备向所有用户交付应用。全世界共有1亿多用户使用XenApp,这充分证实了产品对各种应用程序的兼容性。产品介绍 与传统应用部署技术相比,XenApp实现的虚拟应用交付能够通过...
请在开始执行每个部署步骤之前查看参考文章,以了解部署过程中显示和指定的内容。.请按照下面的顺序部署 Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops。.查看准备安装,并完成所有必要的任务。.安装 Delivery Controller、Web Studio、Citrix Director 和 Citrix 许可证服务器。还可以