I can’t help thinking back to that welcome pylon I saw on the way in, radiating in the warm Gulf sun—Lisa Hall’s leaning tower of Babcock. Sure, it may have stood askance, but it stood, a literal port in a storm: tall, proud, defiant—the improbable beacon for a new way forwa...
The widespread consequences of global climate change stress human communities and ecosystems worldwide. Climate change is already causing an increase in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves, hurricanes and wildfires and severely affecting the world’s freshwater resources through sea-level rise (SLR)...
In this case "thorns" includecrimerate or vicinity to crime; some areas may be close to worse neighborhoods or adjacent cities. Also, the rate ofnatural disasterswas taken into consideration. Hurricanes are not something that'd land on the "pro" side of your pro/con list. Flooding more tha...