Elevate your hybrid meetings and events with a sophisticated conferencing camera that uses its powerful zoom, wide field of view, and far-reaching image sensors to keep everyone perfectly framed, even on the far end of the table. Experience cinematic meetings Combine the power of the Quad Came...
950 120 102.5 D15386.01 | SEPTEMBER 2017 | © 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Quad Camera European projection Unit: Sheet size: Scale: mm (in.) A3 1:10 http-equiv="content-type"
Looking for suggestions on a stand similar to the one pictured in Cisco Boardroom of the Future. We need to position a Quad Camera below a projection screen that is directly in front of windows. Looking for something that will not move and only be
Cisco Quad Camera, Precision 60, SpeakerTrack 60,
● 独自のルームシステムを構築:1 台のパンチルトズームカメラをイメージングに使用したり、PTZ 4K カメラをインテリジェントな Webex Quad Camera や SpeakerTrack 60 Camera と組み合わせて、非常に鮮明な接写、自動顔検出、フレーミング、そして発話者追...
I have been working with a Cisco engineer on a project whereby two Quad cameras are to be used in a single room with full tracking capabilities. However, it requires a secondary (slave) Room Kit Pro, in addition to the primary Room Kit Pro. Each Quad camera is controlled...
Cisco SX80 Codec, Quad Camera, Touch 10 咨询商品吗? 您的昵称: *必填(注意请不要超过20个字符) 电子邮箱: *必填(注意请不要超过200个字符) 请在这里输入您要咨询的内容:*必填(注意请不要超过200个字符) 用户名: 密码: 验证码: 注册 如果你对此商品评价或分享经验,在此提交 您的昵称: *必填(注意...
Prerequisites Requirements Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of WebEx Room Series devices and Quad Camera. Components Used The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions: Windows Laptop/Dektop. Drivers to take the serial connection...
Combining the Quad Camera, the PTZ 4K Camera and the Table Microphone Pro for extended camera reach for long rooms (coming soon) Multi-camera speaker view Combining the Quad Camera, the PTZ 4K Camera and the Table Microphone Pro for extended camera reach for long rooms (coming soon) ...
les caméras Cisco, reportez-vous aux guides correspondants disponibles à https://www.cisco.com/go/telepresence/docs Connexion de Cisco Quad Camera Il existe un guide d'installation pour le SX80 avec Quad Camera : Guide d'installation Cisco TelePresence SX80 Integrator Package with Quad Camera....