面下这个网址有 RingBuffer的C代码实现, 实际上是一个C的源开库liblcthw 里实现的。 http://c.learncodethehardway.org/book/ex44.html 源开库 liblcthw的网址为https://github.com/zedshaw/liblcthw,用C代码实现了一些用常的数据结构,list,map,tree,字符串函数,ring buffer等,习学C语言的人值得看看。
char*/*argv*/[]){//创立一个容量为3的形环缓冲区boost::circular_buffer<int>cb(3);//插入2个元素进入形环缓冲区cb.push_back(1);cb.push_back(2);// assertionsassert(cb[0]==1);assert(cb[1]==2);assert(!cb.full());assert(cb.size()==2);assert(cb.capacity()==3);//再插入...
Figure 2: Linear buffer implementation of the ring buffer. Use casesSingle process to single processIn general, the queue is used to serialize data from one process to another process. The serialization allows some elasticity in time between the processes. In many cases, the queue is used as ...
User Array Implementation for Circular Buffer Implementation in C++ A circular array is a data structure commonly utilized to implement a queue-like collection of data. It’s also known with alternative names such as a circular queue or ring buffer, but we will refer to it as a circular array...
TPCircularBuffer.podspec Updated podspec Apr 16, 2018 A simple C implementation for a circular (ring) buffer. Thread-safe with a single producer and a single consumer, using OSAtomic.h primitives, and avoids any need for buffer wrapping logic by using a virtual memory map technique to place...
A simple ring buffer (circular buffer) designed for embedded systems. cbufferringbufferring-buffercircular-buffercircularbuffer UpdatedNov 13, 2024 C jnk0le/Ring-Buffer Star392 Code Issues Pull requests simple C++11 ring buffer implementation, allocated and evaluated at compile time ...
DSPCycle of the Buffer ZoneMatlabFIR FilterThe digital filter technology includes two aspects, which are the filter design process and filter realization. The article expounded the basic structure of FIR filter, with examples on the use Matlab to determine the FIR filter coefficient, analysis of ...
Here is my C++ implementation of a circular buffer for raw binary data: #include <algorithm> // for std::min class CircularBuffer { public: CircularBuffer(size_t capacity); ~CircularBuffer(); size_t size() const { return size_; } ...
High-level language implementation Programming Example 5.2 A Circular Buffer in C Once we build a circular buffer, we can use it in a variety of ways. We will use an array as the buffer: #define CMAX 6 /* filter order */ int circ[CMAX]; /* circular buffer */ int pos; /* position...
Example implementation, 'C' language /* Circular buffer example, keeps one slot open */#include <stdio.h>#include <malloc.h>/* Opaque buffer element type. This would be defined by the application. */typedefstruct{intvalue;}ElemType;/* Circular buffer object */typedefstruct{intsize;/* maxim...