Delivered every Wednesday, our free e-newsletter Leading Ideas offers articles by thoughtful, cutting-edge leaders on subjects you care about — navigating change, reaching younger people, financing your ministry, communicating effectively — to help you
5. Leading Ideas Special: Advent Devotional #2, Mary 6. Leading Ideas Talks Special: Advent Devotional #1, John the Baptist 7. “Exploring the Future of the Church Together” featuring Dustin Benac 8. “Digital Ministry Trends and Perspectives” featuring Jim Keat 9. “Faithfully Engage ...
Annually Presbyterian Women of the PCUSA give grants to various agencies and organizations which are making a difference in their community. The Thank Offering is one of Presbyterian Women’s two offerings. Received in the fall each year, it gives wo...
Comments Off on If Buttercups Can Do It, It Isn’t Ministry Among the 21 Maxims for Discouraged Pastors— in fact, as part of the very first one — we find this gem: In 2 Tim. 2:3-6, the apostle Paul compares the work of ministry to three vocations, and all of them involve ...
Aimee McPherson’s first official sermon occurred atMountForest, Ontario, in 1915. From the beginning she worked infaith healingand encouragedspeaking in tonguesand other common attributes offundamentalistand PentecostalChristianity. Under her mother’s management she traveled through the United States and...
Venial sins are slight sins that do not damn one’s soul. Mortal sins are grave sins that separate one from God and result in a person ending up in Hell if not absolved before death. Like most other Christian traditions in history, Roman Catholicism allows for men and women to pursue ...
For more ideas on this, in particular, you can check out Ministry to Children’s online archive of Christmas play for youth. 2. Choir and Other Music Performances Feature your choir singing classic carols and hymns. Use HD streaming to capture every harmony and enhance the experience with ... is dedicated to resourcing, informing, and connecting a community of church leaders for greater Kingdom impact worldwide. They provide church ideas and news for church pastors, youth ministry, children's ministry ideas, worship, volunte
All credit for this winning idea goes to one of the children I mentor for ministry–and she’s only 10 years old! For those of you don’t regularly use monthly themes, you could pare these ideas down to use for a special week or event. I hope you have as much as fun as we plan...
Paul Charrier who converted Ponji first. (Paul Charrier was one of the people present at Syd's trip in 1965 where he was intrigued for hours by a matchbox, a plum and an orange. This event later inspired Storm Thorgerson for theSyd Barrett(compilation album) record cover and an impressive...