Fo = −1 by definition. Fk are the coefficients of the characteristic equation of the system: F0λn+F1λn−1+F2λn−2+…+Fn−1λ+Fn=0 For a chronosequence transition matrix with identical nonzero values α in all cells, λ1 = nα. For the same situation, but with zeros on...
A chronosequence of soils and vegetation near Mount Shasta, California; I. Definition of the ecosystem investigated and features of the plant succession. Journal of Soil Science 4, 123-141.Dickson, B.A., Crocker, R.L., 1954. A chronosequence of soils and vegetation near Mount Shasta, ...
and as a final goal, to better understand the function of the site and the way of life of the Kalinga hominins. The relational properties of the archaeological materials might be the result of a series of depositional and post-depositional processes ...
Definition of clearcutting; Factors that regulate changes in forest floor properties; Factors affecting decomposition rates.MartinWayneL.BradleyRobertL.KimminsJ.P.EBSCO_AspJournal of Sustainable ForestryKimmins JPH, Martin WL, Bradley RL (2002) Post-clearcutting chronosequence in the B.C. coastal ...
Soil Sci Soc Am J 58: 485-494 Nixon SW (1995) Coastal marine eutrophication: a definition, social causes, and future concerns. Ophelia 41:199-219Nieuwenhuyse, A., Jongmans, A.G. and Van Breemen, N., 1994. Mineralogy of a Holocene chronosequence on andesitic beach sediments in Costa ...
L. (1953) A chronosequence of soils and vegetation near Mt Shasta, California. Journal of Soil Science 4: 142-154.Dickson, B.A. & Crocker, R.L. ( 1953 ) A chronosequence of soils and vegetation near Mt. Shasta, California. I. Definition of the ecosystem investigated and features of ...