Ian BarbourChristianityChurch of Englandclergydialogueordination trainingsciencedoi:10.31235/osf.io/58f3cLydia ReidJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdZygon
Job experienced multiple traumas. He suffered from the loss of his children, his finances, and his health. Though he was greatly distressed, he held on until God brought him relief. In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing. Job 1:22 NIV Just like Job, your mental ...
The theological nomer "Christian" indicates an awareness of God's presence as well as the human tendency to be self-directed. The objectives of this article are to "rephrase" Niebuhr's knowledge of the reality of the secular world, conceptualise Tillich's categories of "anxiety" and "fear" ...
BUILDING ENTHUSIASM AND OVERCOMING FEAR: ENGAGING WITH CHRISTIAN LEADERS IN AN AGE OF SCIENCEdoi:10.1111/zygo.12731Ian BarbourChristianityChurch of Englandclergydialogueordination trainingscienceIn popular culture, the relationship between science and religion has often been portrayed as one of "conflict."...
“Participation”, writes Nancy Hudson, speaking of Cusanus, “is the paradoxical theory in which the identity and difference of God and the universe are both maintained. Neither increased nor diminished by the world’s creation, God informs the world by being at one with it, while at the ...