All of our therapists have at least a Masters-level education in Marriage and Family Therapy, Clinical Psychology or other related fields, and all of them continually engage in post-graduate trainings. IN SHORT the therapists at Cornerstone Christian Counseling strive to combine a Christian World...
JoyCare Christian Counseling, Raleigh christian counselor, providing ministry care Marriage Counselling Raleigh NC for individuals, couples and teens
Overcoming life's challenges. There's a way forward. You don't have to go alone. HOW WE HELP What's a SURECORD? The book of Ecclesiastes speaks of a threefold cord. Our story begins here. LEARN ABOUT OUR NAME
Personal Counseling Marriage And Family Our Locations Get Online Counseling Coaching We believe God has a vision for your future. He wants to show it to you so that you can live that future now! Learn More I have been associated with GLI for a number of years. I have attended and taken...
MARRIAGE COUNSELING INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING Christ-Centered, Virtual Counseling Where You Are Get Started Talk with a licensed counselor at home, at work, or on the go! ABOUT US NarrowGate Counseling was established as a Christ-centered counseling practice to provide hope and healing to individuals...
The practice of Asheville Christian Counseling is dedicated to helping you achieve your personal and professional goals. I am always welcoming new clients each week to tailor personalized sessions. My desire is to work with you identifying your strengths, to overcome obstacles, and create a plan ...
journey. To force ignorance and fake smiles. To stay awake and vigilant so as to never leave him alone…for fear suicide would claim him once and for all. But I reached a point of loss. Loss of myself. Loss of my marriage as I had known it. Loss of all joy. Loss of all hope....
New Growth Press is an online Christian and Gospel bookstore in Greensboro, NC. We’re a Christian book publisher of Bible studies, counseling resources, VBS, etc.
Any Christian pastor worth his salt when counseling a couple about to be married will tell them – Always keep Christ in the Center of your marriage. My wife and I were blessed with such a pastor at that time, and his words (instructions) have never left us. They’ve seen us through ...
1) 讲台教导主要将基于使徒行传,及其使徒信经。主题为“见证基督,广传福音”。重点在于,认识福音,活出福音和传出福音;认识基督,活出基督,传扬基督! 1-3 见证在家乡——自己被福音改变 使徒行传 1-7 4-6 见证在近处——向近邻分享福音 使徒行传 8-12 ...