Bale is married to Sibi Blazic, a Serbian-American former model. The couple have two children together, a daughter, Emmeline, and a son, Joseph. Bale and Blazic live in Los Angeles, California. Christian Bale’s Philanthropy Christian Bale is a generous philanthropist who has donated money to...
“Dressage braids” inspired the knots on a cream leather suit that nearly looked like it could have been a space uniform from NASA and let’s not forget the nestling robot baby on a model’s hip – she was wearing a white singlet and conceptual couture cargo pants—Roseberry’s tribute t...
We had another magical day at St George’s Hospital, bringing some festive cheer and handing out presents to the children spending Christmas in hospital this year. You can see all the photos from the day here. Patients and their families can download high-resolution versions for printing and ...
K.I.D.S.This large organization improves the lives of children living in poverty(贫穷)around the world.They provide new clothes,toys,books and other products,as well,as medical care.They're also extremely well-run,and spend 99.5% of their money on programs that hel...