A thematic map in which areas are styled to represent the variation of values for a single variable, such as Average Household Income. From the Greek terms choro meaning place or land, and pleth meani
Choropleth map choropleth maps choropleth maps choropleth maps choroplethic map choroplethic map/ Chororapithecus Chororapithecus abyssinicus Choros Choros (dance) Choroszcz Chorotega Chorotega Chorozemas Chorpan Tarkhan chorrie Chorrillo F.C. Chorrillos Chorrillos Military School Chors Chorso Chort Chort...
1 (evaluation of combinations of types and subtypes of choropleth map), App. 2 (evaluation of combinations of types and subtypes of cartodiagram), and App. 3 (evaluation of combinations of choropleth maps and cartodiagrams with other methods) (Dukaczewski (2009)). The definition (and ...
“a choropleth map (Greek χωρα + πληθαίν:, ("area/region" + "multiply") is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map, such as population density or per-capita income.” The...
previous work on core aspects of this research work will be briefly summarized—the area size bias (together with other effects that influence an effective and efficient map reading), Equal Area Unit Maps (EAUMs) as an alternative, and Value by area maps as fundament of the Sponge Map soluti...