114), who was teaching Mandarin in a UK school as well as teaching her young daughter at home. We wondered how things have developed over the past two to three years. Thank you, Kate, for this second interview! Hi Kate, it’s a while since our last interview. How has your teaching ...
A., & Young, A. (1996). Negotiating the middle years: Ego-resiliency and successful midlife adjustment in women. Psychology and Aging, 11, 431–442. https://doi.org/10.1037/0882-7974.11.3.431 Article PubMed Google Scholar Kong, T. S. K. (2016). The sexual in Chinese sociology: ...
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Multidimensional Competitive Orientation Inventory (Ch-MCOI) in adults from Mainland China. A total of 1121 participants (50.6% male; M = 28.86, SD = 8.70) were rec
Thomas Hui To, Chairman of TVB said, “Youku is an influential platform both in the Mainland and Chinese-language entertainment globally. Its professionalism and creativity in content development make it one of the role models in the industry. This partnership is the result of a long-term and ...
It may surprise you, but fish can also get bloated. That is whyyou should not overfeed your pet. Another disadvantage is that your algae eater will stop cleaning your tank when it is always full. Adults, in particular, are notably less hardworking than young species. ...
especially when we consider that the difference was revealed by men’s and women’s retrospective self-assessment. In addition, the finding that gender moderated the association of word frequency and AoA suggests that the amount of word exposure might have different effects on men versus women. La...
In addition, Newegg Commerce cooperates with many universities across China to cultivate cross-border talent. In 2022, it proposed Newegg Generation Young, with the aim of cooperating with universities to compile teaching materials, set ...
These depictions present a harmonious court life. However, court life also had a more competitive side. For example, Qiu Ying painted a narrative depicting the concubines of Emperor Yuan (75 BCE – 33 BCE). In ancient times, an emperor was presented with portraits of the women before meeting...
out to compare the rating of a labeled emotion with that of each of the other emotions. To explore distinct emotional properties (valence, arousal, and intensity) within the seven emotion categories of music, repeated-measures ANOVAs were performed with the seven discrete music emotion categories ...
Assuming that these responses are reliable, it would suggest that most young Chinese adults have had positive role models concern- ing spousal roles and relationships. English was spoken only in a small percentage of homes (13 % of women's families and 14 % of men's). Familial influence ...