Chinese Science Bulletin (Chin. Sci. Bull.) is a multidisciplinary academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and co-sponsored by the CAS and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Chin. Sci. Bull. is a ten-day international journal publishing high...
Chinese Science Bulletin-Chinese期刊的最新影响因子为1.1,期刊是一个新性期刊。从图中可以看出,期刊的影响因子处于上升趋势。 3、分区 Chinese Science Bulletin-Chinese期刊在JCR分区中,综合性期刊位于N/A区,期刊在中科院分区(最新升级版),大类学科综合性期刊位于4区,小类学科综合性期刊位于4区, 非TOP期刊,非综述...
在中文版中叫Chinese science bulletin,在英文版中叫science bulletin
Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy Science Research interests: Molecular mechanism of cancer; Liquid biopsy technology and the search for a variety of cancer and drug biomarkers Professor Fu Suneng Institution: Tsinghua University Research interests: Principles of...
【国产顶刊投稿网址也被假冒】Chinese Science Bulletin是中国科学院和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办,由《中国科学》杂志社出版,分为中文版和英文版,其中英文版Science Bulletin最新影响因子18.8分,中科院分区综合性期刊1区Top。然而,近期该期刊却遭遇假冒投稿官网的情况。O网页链接 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 ...
Chinese Science Bulletin (Chin. Sci. Bull.) is a multidisciplinary academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and co-sponsored by the CAS and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Chin. Sci. Bull. is a ten-day international journal publishing high...
SCIENCE CHINA PRESS 《科学通报》投稿指南 《科学通报》(Chinese Science Bulletin)是由中国科学院作用; 和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办、《中国科学》杂志社(?) 就内容和写作风格而言, 对大同行或非同行科学出版的自然科学综合性学术刊物, 致力于快速报道自然科家都有可读性和启发性. 学各学科基础理论和应用研究...
SCIENCE CHINA PRESS 《科学通报》投稿指南 《科学通报》(Chinese Science Bulletin)是由中国科学院作用; 和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办、《中国科学》杂志社(?) 就内容和写作风格而言, 对大同行或非同行科学出版的自然科学综合性学术刊物, 致力于快速报道自然科家都有可读性和启发性. 学各学科基础理论和应用研究...
Chinese Science Bulletin (Chin. Sci. Bull.) is a multidisciplinary academic journal supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and co-sponsored by the CAS and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Chin. Sci. Bull. is a ten-day