解析 1. 川菜(Sichuan cuisine) 2. 粤菜(Cantonese cuisine) 3. 鲁菜(Shandong cuisine) 4. 淮扬菜(Huaiyang cuisine) 5. 闽菜(Fujian cuisine) 6. 湘菜(Hunan cuisine) 7. 徽菜(Anhui cuisine) 8. 浙菜(Zhejiang cuisine) 中国八大菜系分别是:川菜、粤菜、鲁菜、淮扬菜、闽菜、湘菜、徽菜和浙菜。
因为中国真得就有“八方美味”——我们的“八大菜系Eight Great Chinese Cuisines”。如果你的脑海中不能马上反应出是哪8大,那么我就帮你中文英文一起科普了吧! Shandong Cuisine ——山东菜系—— 烹饪秘诀: 保持原味keep it simple。鲁菜很看重食物本身的味道,...
Eight Chinese Cuisines EightChineseCuisines 1,ShangdongCuisine鲁菜 2,SichuanCuisine川菜 3,CantoneseCuisine粤菜 4,JiangsuCuisine苏菜 5,FujianCuisine闽菜 6,ZhejiangCuisine浙菜 7,HunanCuisine湘菜8,AnhuiCuisine徽菜 1SHANDONGCUISINE(LǓCÀI)鲁菜 SpecializeinseafoodanditemphasizeonsoupgravyShandongcuisin...
Hunan cuisine, also known as Xiang cuisine, is one of the湖南菜,又称湘菜,是中国八大eight Chinese cuisines. It consists of three distinct styles of local菜系之一。 它由三种不同风味的地dishes: the Xiang River are a style, which predominates in方菜组成:以长沙、湘潭和衡阳为主Changsha, Xiangtan...
Nowlet’shaveaquicklookaboutChineseEightCuisines 姜母鸭徽 东坡肉浙菜火锅川 白斩鸡粤 醉排骨闽 剁椒鱼头湘 文思豆腐苏 狮子头苏 Lucuisine,isalsocalledTheShandongcuisine,composedofthreeflavors,fromtheQilu,Liaoning,Confucian.It’sthelargestpalacecuisine.TheConfucianstyleistheleaderCuisine,Shandongcuisine,andother...
•ChineseEight Cuisines:Fujian cuisine,Shandong cuisine,Sichuan, Guangdong,Jiangsu cuisine,Zhejiang cuisine,Hunan,Anhui cuisine. •闽菜鲁菜川菜粤菜 苏菜浙菜徽菜湘菜 Nowlet’shaveaquicklookaboutChineseEightCuisinesChineseEightCuisines 东坡肉浙菜 火锅川 白斩鸡粤 剁椒鱼头湘 姜母鸭徽 醉排骨闽 文思豆腐苏狮子头...
Fujian Cuisine Fujian Cuisine闽菜 One of the eight major Chinese cuisines, Fujian Cuisine was formed gradually through integration and exchanges between the Han culture of the central plains and ancient local Yue culture. Consisting of three distinct flavors of Fuzhou, Minnan and Minxi local dishes,...
Sichuan Cuisine川菜 One of the eight major cuisines in China, Sichuan cuisine consists of many famous and special dishes with local flavors in Chongqing, Chengdu, north Sichuan and south Sichuan. With more than 3,000 approaches in nearly 40 categories of cooking such as frying, stir-frying, qu...
3、Cuisine, Shandong cuisine ,and other generation has importantinfluence, most people think Shandong cuisine is NO.1 cuisine of the eight.鲁菜即山东菜系,由齐鲁、胶辽、孔府三种风味组成。是宫廷最大菜系。以孔府风味为龙头。山东菜系对其他菜系的产生有重要的影响,因此大多数人认为鲁菜为八大菜系之首。 Tas...
Of all the Chinese dishes, Sichuan dishes, Guangdong dishes, Shandong dishes, Jiangsu dishes, Zhejiang dishes, Fujian dishes, Anhui dishes, and Hunan dishes, are commonly accepted as the “Eight Famous Styles of Chinese Cuisines” in China with their own unique tastes. ...