The number of China-Europe Railway Express freight trips reached 2,928 in the first two months of 2024, up 9 percent year on year. About 317,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) of goods were transported via the freight train services during this period, up 10 percent from a year earli...
news Please stay tuned for the latest news and projects of China Europe Carbon Neutral Sustainable Urban Development. Discover More contact Feel free to contact us, and we will get back to you in 24 hours! Discover More our business partners...
中国深圳—5月28日下午,中欧时尚研究院(China-Europe Institute of Fashion)成立仪式在牛顿商学院深圳中心盛大举行,来自中欧高等院校、学术界、时尚产业界院长教授以及牛顿商学院企业家校友等各大代表、行业专家参与了本次揭牌盛会。 为庆贺中欧时...
积极推进“丝路海运”港航贸一体化发展,加快陆海新通道、空中丝绸之路建设。 China will speed up high-quality development of the China-Europe Railway Express, participate in the trans-Caspian international transportation corridor, host the China-...
01 Book detailing China's role in shared human future launched at London Book Fair / 02 China's top legislator meets Austrian President / 03 China-Europe freight train trips grow fast in Q1 Hungary's Orban to set up new gov't structure after election victory German health minister calls...
中欧文化交流中心(China - Europe Cultural Exchange Center)成立于2006年,隶属于中国香港特区政府,成立主要目的是开展中国与欧洲的文化艺术领域交流与合作活动;同时也协助参与国内文化宣传活动,国内合作单位有中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会、中国文艺网、中国美术馆、中央美术学院、CCTV、荣宝斋、北京画馆、北京美术馆、...
每日一词|中欧班列 China-Europe Railway Express 中国国家铁路集团有限公司数据显示,今年1至2月,中欧班列累计开行2928列,发送货物31.7万标箱,同比分别增长9%、10%。截至2024年2月底,中欧班列通达欧洲25个国家219个城市。 The number of China-Europe Railway Express freight trips reached 2,928 in the first two...
每日一词∣中欧班列 China-Europe Railway Express 新冠肺炎疫情引发全球交通管制,由于港口和机场的运输受到限制,中欧班列向许多国家运送了口罩、防护服和呼吸机等物资。The spread of COVID-19 has incurred global traffic restrictions. As transportation is restricted at harbors and airports, China-Europe freight...
中国深圳—5月28日下午,中欧时尚研究院(China-Europe Institute of Fashion)成立仪式在牛顿商学院深圳中心盛大举行,来自中欧高等院校、学术界、时尚产业界院长教授以及牛顿商学院企业家校友等各大代表、行业专家参与了本次揭牌盛会。 为庆贺中欧时尚研究院的成立,西安工程大学副校长戴鸿教授、江西师范大学副校长刘俊教授、...
China-Europe (e.g. trading relations)— 中欧 rail line from China through Central Asia Europe— 亚欧大陆桥 (of CDs, videos etc) surplus (or "cut-out") stock from Western countries, sometimes marked with a notch in the disc or its case, sold cheaply in China (beginning in the 1990s),...