China's permanent residence status has fascinated millions of foreigners living in China for a long time, but their certificate, Foreigner's Permanent Residence Identity Card (commonly known as China's "green card"), is nicknamed "the most difficult green card in the world". 中国永久居留身份让...
Permanent Residence Card 永久居留证 History of Chinese Green Card 中国绿卡发展史 In 1986, for the first time China granted a German the permanent resident permit, which was looked upon as China’s first “Green Card” for foreigners. 1986年,中国首次向德国人发放永久居民许可证,这被视为中国第一...
reduced the length of stay requirement, and provided a channel for foreign Chinese who have lived in China for a long time and had Chinese nationality to apply for permanent residence. The Chinese Permanent Resident Card has been upgraded to an "identity card",which is based on the technical ...
中华人民共和国外国人永久居留身份证, The Peoples Republic of China Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card Permanent resident ID card of the peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国, The Peoples Republic of China 中国入境签证, China entry visa,外国人来华工作
3.下图是中华人民共和国外国人永久居留身份证。对此说法不正确的是中华人民共和国PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA外国人永久居留身份证FOREIGN PERMANENT RESIDENT ID CARD本证是持证人在中国境内居留的身份证件,可以在办理金融,教育医疗、交通、住宿、通信、工作、税收和社会保险、财产登记、诉讼等事务时单独使用T DOE SE ...
对此说法不正确的是( )中华人民共和国PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA外国人永久居留身份证FOREIGN PERMANENT RESIDENT ID CARD本证是持证人在中国境内居留的身份证件,可以在办理金融、教育医疗、交通、住宿、通信工作、税收和社会保险。财产登记、诉讼等事务时单独使用。THIS DOCUMENT SERVES AS AN IDENTITY CARD FOR THE ...
对此说法不正确的是( )中华人民共和国PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA外国人永久居留身份证FOREIGN PERMANENT RESIDENT ID CARD本证是持证人在中国境内居留的身份证件,可以在办理金融、教育、医疗、交通、住宿、通信工作、税收和社会保险、财产登记、诉讼等事务时单独使用。THIS DOCUMENT SERVES AS AN IDENTITY CARD FOR THE...
This will help dissolve "widespread public hostility toward China in developed countries built almost entirely on ignorance and prejudice", said Ferguson, who has a Chinese permanent resident card. 拥有中国永久居民卡的弗格森说,这将有助于消除“发达国家对中国普遍存在的敌意,这种敌意几乎完全建立在无知和...
对此说法不正确的是中华人民共和国PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA外国人永久居留身份证FOREIGN PERMANENT RESIDENT ID CARD本证是持证人在中国境内居国的身份证件,可以在办理金融,教育医疗、交通、住宿、、工作、税收和社会险财产登记、诉等事务时单独使用CHINAAND-CAN BE USEb mOEPENDENTLY AS LARFLE PROOF OF OENTITY...
Receipt of permanent resident card Greetings. Do you know how long it takes after the six-month period of review to receive the permanent resident card if approved? I live in Zhuhai and applied over six-months ago. Yet, I have not received any notice yet. My current work visa expires in...