Although the current reimbursement rate for medical insurance for the elderly is continuously increasing, the costs of nursing care, transportation, and nutrition due to illnesses are not covered by medical reimbursement. Moreover, the problem of aging in China has become severe. Older people (aged...
In millennial: The great recession and its consequences public health issues dietary guidelines In human nutrition: Adapting guidelines to culture dietary supplements In dietary supplement: Regulation and classification of dietary supplements melamine In melamine: Melamine and food safety SARS outbreak In SA...
With an aging population, China’s GD would fall slightly, and adopting a balanced diet would not lead to an increase in GD but would have positive impacts on human health and the environment. Our sensitivity analysis indicated that reducing food waste, particularly cereal, livestock, and ...
Local farmer surveys indicated that the farmer N and regional optimum N application rates in this study area were 300 and 240 kg ha−1, respectively. The results of this study indicated that across three years, both FP and ROM resulted in an average N surplus of 41.46 and 11.42 kg ha...
ResilienceCrop Breeding and GeneticsFarming SustainabilityGrassland and Pasture ScienceHorticultural and Floricultural CropsInnovative Cropping SystemsPest and Disease ManagementPlant-Crop Biology and BiochemistryPrecision and Digital AgricultureSoil and Plant NutritionWater Use and IrrigationWeed Science and Weed ...
The survey was designed to examine the effects of the health, nutrition, and family planning programs implemented by national and local governments in China and to examine how the social and economic transformation of Chinese society was affecting the health and nutritional status of the Chinese ...