Japan & japan Japan是日本,japan则是漆器和日本亮漆 比如下面这种碗,先上一层 japan作底色 然后再画其他图案,这种漆器在日本很是流行 另外japan还有动词形式,表示给……上漆 例句: He japanned the furniture with brush. 他用刷子把家具涂上漆。 再补充几个其他地区类的大小写异意词 ↓↓↓ Turkey 土耳其 -...
Japan vs China | 日本物语 中国和日本一衣带水,曾经一脉相传,现在却诸多不同。详细逐个盘点下来,却都还蛮有趣的。 人口 日本约为1.3亿,中国约为14亿,有十倍以上的差距。 土地面积 日本约为38万平方公里,中国约为960万平方公里,相差25倍以上。 SNS 网络社交工具,日本大多使用twitter(推特),中国大多使用微博...
China-Japan.Forecasts on the growth of trade between Japan and China in 1996. Bilateral trade volume in 1995; Benefits of the increase in Sino-Japanese joint ventures on bilateral imports.EBSCO_AspPresidents & Prime Ministers
China and Japan are important outbound tourist destinations to each other, he said, adding that tourism exchanges have played an important role in promoting understanding and mutual trust between the two peoples and consolidating the public support of the two countries. It is hoped that the two co...
TOKYO, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- Senior diplomats from China and Japan have exchanged views on a number of security issues at the 15th China-Japan Security Dialogue held in Tokyo. Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou and Japanese Senior Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Takeo Akiba, co...
japanchina网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 Japan china 美 英 na.日本产陶器 网络中日游记 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 日本产陶器 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2024 Microsoft
China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs— 统汉字 · 中日韩统一表意文字 China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam— 中日韩越 Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge, the scene of "incident" sparking WW2 between Japan and China— 芦沟桥 the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937 that sparked WW2...
This incredible tour of Japan and China showcases each country’s flagship cities boasting a myriad of unforgettable experiences for all ages – everything from awe-inspiring landmarks to picturesque landscapes to heart-warming traditions. Your voyage begins in Tokyo and Kyoto, two of Japan’ s ...
Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said on Thursday the China-Japan relationship is at a new critical juncture and he called on the two countries to overcome external distractions in developing bilateral ties and jointly oppose "decoupling".