Berlin residential population in Germany in 2023, by age group Female to male ratio in tertiary education in Sri Lanka 2013-2022 Share of social grant recipients in South Africa 2023, by province Total population in Macao 2023, by age group Distribution of population Saudi Arabia 2019, by age...
In addition, the use of CKD-EPI is questionable in young adults owing to poor accuracy.5, 6, 7, 8 Thus, there is a need for further development in the area of GFR estimation to extend the applicability of existing equations across the entire lifespan. We recently demonstrated how ...
Product recalls in the United States Retail & Trade Injuries caused prior by recalled children's products in the U.S. 2023 + Retail & Trade Total recalls of children's products in the U.S. 2001-2023 + Consumer Goods & FMCG U.S. CPSC - total civil penalties issued 2006-2023 ...
The goal of assessing pathway impact is to account for pathway structure and the intuitive concept that central or nodal positions in a pathway will have a greater impact than marginal or isolated positions. Total or maximal importance for each pathway is designated as 1, whereas the importance ...
In the present review, most studies of academic achievement investigated total screen time, thus the results cannot generalize to specific screen types. In contrast, another subset of studies primarily focused on internet surfing time and demonstrated its negative relationship with sub-health which was...
Finally, a total of 85,535 children and adolescents (48.7% girls) aged 7–18 years were involved in the present study. Participants included for each physical fitness test were presented in Table 1. Therein, 2.1% of the participants came from Lasa, Tibetan, which is 3500 m high than the...
most studies of academic achievement investigated total screen time, thus the results cannot generalize to specific screen types. In contrast, another subset of studies primarily focused on internet surfing time and demonstrated its negative relationship with sub-health which was assessed by a self-repo...
leading to a total sample of 750 children and their mothers for inclusion in this study. With the help of the preschool directors, the sampled mothers completed and returned a questionnaire online. All the sampled mothers signed the consent form. We then excluded the questionnaires that were part...
As of 2021, over 995 thousand primary-school-aged children in Ghana were not enrolled in school, the majority of whom were boys.
Children spoke about what was worse and what was better in their lives; how they saw their lives in general; and what would they have changed in their current everyday life if they had a magic wand. A total of 48 children participated in the study, their age ranged from five to 16 ...