Elsevier 2011.10.10 [2] HL Hartnagel, AL Dawar, AK Jain, C Jagadish. Semiconducting transparent thin films. Bristol and Ph1995 [3] HJ Joyce, J Wong-Leung, Q Gao, HH Tan, C Jagadish. Phase perfection in zinc blende and wurtzite III− V nanowires using basic growth parameters. Nano ...
Chennupati Jagadish, a Distinguished Professor of the Australian National University. Prof. Jagadish is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. In 2018 he was awarded a UNESCO Prize for his contribution to the development ...
浙江大学“海外名师大讲堂”联动浙大微纳电子学院、浙大杭州科创中心邀请澳大利亚两院院士Chennupati Jagadish,即将带来一场关于光电子应用的半导体纳米结构的精彩讲座! 具体信息详见下方,欢迎感兴趣的你前来围观! 讲座名称: Semiconductor Nanostr...
Biography:Prof. Jagadish is a Distinguished Professor of the Australian National University. He is serving as Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of Applied Physics Reviews and also served as EIC of Progress in Quantum Electronics. His research interests include compound semiconductor optoelectronics, nanotechnology,...
many brilliant young Indian talents have been able to study in Australia through a fund set up by Prof.Chennupati Jagadish,a Distinguished Professor of the Australian National University.Prof.Jagadish is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technological ...
Nanotechnology has traditionally evolved in two streams:'top-down'and 'bottom-up'.The top-down stream has largely been the province of physicists and engineers and is effectively analogous to sculpting.Chemistry in Australia GroupChemistry in Australia...