所谓的bonding(键)其实就是一种连接方式,需要学习的是atom原子这样的微观粒子,通过何种方式连接成为我们眼中能看到的宏观的物质。 今天我们来讲一下三种不同的bonding---ionic 、covalent、metallic Ionic bonding(离子键):原子在得失电子后成为ion(离子),失去电子的原子成为positive ions(其整体带正电,因内部带正电...
Chemical bonding - Ionic, Covalent, Polar: This section treats several aspects of molecular structure that are of more specialized interest and shows how particular classes of compounds are described. Molecular orbital theory will be used as a framework
•Ionicbondresultsfromthetransferofelectronsfromametaltoanonmetal.•Metallicbond:attractiveforceholdingpuremetalstogether.Figure8.3:IonicBonding Figure8.5:CovalentBonding ChemicalBonds BondType#ofe’s Notation Bondorder BondstrengthBondlength Single2—1 Double4=2 Triple63 IncreasesfromSingletoTripleDecreases...
Chemical bonding, any of the interactions that account for the association of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and other species. When atoms approach one another, their electrons interact and tend to distribute themselves in space so that the total
This chapter covers chemical bonding between atoms and ions and how this affects the chemical properties of the elements. Which elements form ions and the typical charges on the ions are explained. Ionic bonding and covalent bonding are compared in terms of the octet rule and valence bond theory...
Related to Bond (chemical):ionic bond,covalent bond chemical bond top: covalent bonding in a water molecule center: metallic bonding in silver bottom: ionic bonding in sodium chloride chemical bond n. Any of several forces, especially the ionic bond, covalent bond, and metallic bond, by which...
Ionicbonding离子键结resultsfromelectrostaticattractionsamongions,whichareformedbythetransferofoneormoreelectronsfromoneatomtoanother. 离子键为阳离子与阴离子间之库伦静电力,阳离子由金属失去电子形成,阴离子由非金属得到电子形成。两正负电荷之离子吸引力,称为离子键。 Ioniccompound离子化合物NaCl Covalentbonding共价键...
*Theme/Title: Ionic Bonding III: Practice * Description/Instructions Ionic nomenclature is the process by which ionic compounds are named and identified. The basic rules for naming and identifying ionic compounds are (1) cation is named first and (2) anion is named second, plus the suffix -...
When an ion transfers its electron, an ionic bond is formed. This quiz covers the basics on ionic bonding. Using what you have learned, complete this quiz. Select the best answer to the question. Group: Chemistry Chemistry Quizzes