Many websites tracking consumer shopping habits to advise consumers of the project and let the other sites to see. The store also collect consumer information. Some stores even ask for the address and phone number in the check-out time, though consumers may refuse to provide it to consumers....
砖和灰浆商店也收集消费者信息。 Some ask for address and phone number at checkout, though consumers may refuse to provide it. 许多更大的商店使用在消费信贷卡片输入的地址信息(经常没有他们的知识)增加他们到编目发送邮件列表。 当支付现金时,这信息对客商不明显地是容易接近的。
爱给网提供海量的(CC协议)高清实拍资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mov 格式的无法识别的穿着白色衬衫和黑色围裙的苗条女售货员扫描产品, 商店结账柜台的水果并放入棕色纸袋(Unrecognizable Slender Saleswoman In White Shirt And Black Apron Scanning Product, Fruits At Checkout Counter In Store And Putting It Int...
Many sites have tracked consumer shopping habits to suggest consumer project and other sites to see. Stores also collect consumer information. Some stores will even ask consumers for address and telephone number at the time of check out, although the consumer may refuse to provide it. Many big ...