尝试升级时出错:Invalid command line option: wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2 请确保已启用适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统,并且你使用的是 Windows 内部版本 18362 或更高版本。 若要启用 WSL,请在 PowerShell 提示符下以具有管理员权限的身份运行此命令:Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft...
call 'wsl --version' in a terminal to check 文心快码BaiduComate 为了确认你的WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux)版本是否满足大于等于1.2.5的要求,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 打开终端: 在Windows上,你可以通过开始菜单搜索“Windows Terminal”或“PowerShell”来打开终端。如果你已经安装了WSL,并且配置了Linux发行...
WSL1 and WSL2, are designed by Microsoft Corporation for Linux users. Both of these versions are supported to perform basic Linux functionalities. This post will enlist the possible methods to check the WSL version on Linux.
There is more to it and I'll be briefly discussing WSL versions and how you can switch between WSL versions. Checking the WSL version There are a couple of methods for getting the version of WSL you are running in your Linux distribution. Both of these include the command line. You can ...
The output of this command includes the operating system name (Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS) and the kernel version (Linux Method 3: Using the lsb_release Command Thelsb_releasecommand is a utility for retrieving information about the Linux Standard Base (LSB) releas...
cd\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu 以上都是。 3. 可以在 WSL 上运行任何 Linux 发行版的前提是 发行版在 Microsoft Store 中列出。 Linux 开发社区广泛支持该发行版。 发行版已打包,可供导入。 需要帮助? 请参阅我们的疑难解答指南或通过报告问题提供具体反馈。
On Windows, you can install the latest version ofgccusingMinGWor using theWindows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Once you have the latest version of your compiler installed, you can check the C language version it supports by using the-stdflag when compiling your code. For example: ...
可以使用操作系统提供的定时任务工具,如cron(Linux)或任务计划(Windows),来定期执行脚本。 当脚本检测到端口异常时,可以通过邮件、短信等方式向管理员发送警报通知。可以使用邮件客户端、短信接口等工具来实现通知功能。 使用check_mk监控本地端口的脚本的优势包括: 实时监控:可以实时监控本地端口的状态,及时发现并解决...
mysql 8.0 in WSL(ubuntu 18.04) could not be start https://cmsdk.com/mysql/mysql-8-0-in-wslubuntu-18-04-could-not-be-start.html Disable Linux Native AIO to fix MySQL installation problem on OpenVZ vps | IOPSL's http://blog.iopsl.com/disable-linux-native-aio-to-fix-mysql-installation...
General information OS: Linux Hypervisor: WSL2 Did you run crc setup before starting it (Yes/No)? Yes Running CRC on: WSL2 CRC version CRC version: 2.39.0+2fa795 OpenShift version: 4.16.0 MicroShift version: 4.16.0 CRC status DEBU CRC ve...