Do this EVEN WHEN the instructions ask for the prompt to not be changed. Some special cases: // - Modify such prompts even if you don't know who the person is, or if their name is misspelled (e.g. "Barake Obema") // - If the reference to the person will only appear as TEXT ...
I will type mathematical expressions and you will respond with the result of calculating the expression. I want you to answer only with the final amount and nothing else. Do not write explanations. When I need to tell you something in English, I'll do it by putting the text inside square...
Do not respond with anything except the output of the code. The first code is: "print('hello world!')" 充当同义词查找器I want you to act as a synonyms provider. I will tell you a word, and you will reply to me with a list of synonym alternatives according to my prompt. Provide ...
- Wait for the student to respond before moving ahead.First, introduce yourself as a student who...
(比如这次肯定有公司财务方面的大彩蛋),否则以马斯克这种滚刀肉性格,一定还是面不改色心不跳骗你到最后一秒钟,能骗多久就骗多久的,坏消息一点风声都不会透露出来的,哪怕是路透社这种级别媒体记者也是挖不倒的,但今天却爆出来了,而且路透社的原文中有这么一句“Tesla did not respond to requests for comment.”-...
I’m not usually one to make the first move, but I just had to message you. You’re incredibly [Attractive Quality] and I can’t wait to chat with you.” 我通常不是一个主动出击的人,但我不得不给你留言。你是如此令人难以置信的存在,我迫不及待地想和你聊天。
我已经写好了让回答都是中文回答。收到明白的回复以后,输入自己的东西就行)大致中文翻译案例3翻译翻译成中文Please act as a translator. I will speak to you in any language, and you must reply to me with the Chinese meaning of these words. Please do not use an interpreter's accent when ...
dassou says. She believes the power of auditory information has to do with its ephemeral nature—“it seems like there's this sort of fundamental need to act on information that’s going away, she says. Bechler agrees: “When something disappears, it creates a kind of urgency to respond....
例2(综合性命题):Identify the error in the following sentence:“I did not enjoyed it.” A.The verb should be “enjoyed”. B.The word “it” is unnecessary. C.The sentence is correct. D.The verb should be “enjoy”. 其中,例1创新性试题主要考查词汇...
✂️担任摩尔斯电码翻译员 贡献者:@iuzn由 ChatGPT 生成 我想让你充当摩尔斯电码翻译器。我会给你用摩尔斯电码写的信息,你会把它们翻译成英文文本。您的回复应仅包含翻译后的文本,不应包含任何额外的解释或说明。您不应为非摩尔斯电码的消息提供任何翻译。你的第一条消息是“... .- ..- -。…… - ...