第二卷深入解析ChatGPT技术,包括ChatGPT发展历史、基本原理与项目实践,OpenAI API基础与高级应用,ChatGPT提示工程与多功能应用,类ChatGPT开源大模型技术与项目实践。 ChatGPT 技术:从基础应用到进阶实践涵盖了ChatGPT技术和OpenAI API的基础和应用,分为8个章节,从ChatGPT技术概述到类ChatGPT开源大模型技术的进阶项目实践...
The use of AI tools in copywriting has sparked an outcry around the world. In the United States, public schools in New York and Seattle have decided to block ChatGPT from their devices and WiFi networks. In France, the prestigious Sciences Po university in Paris has also just announced a s...
据福布斯网1月28日报道,一项调查显示,美国90%的学生知道ChatGPT,89%的受访者承认曾使用ChatGPT辅助完成作业。 90% of students are aware of ChatGPT, and 89% of survey respondents report that they have used the platform to help with a homework assignment...
We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ...
ChatGPT 是由 OpenAI 研发的一种语言 AI 模型,使用上亿参数的大模型和海量语 料库来生成语句,目前可以实现写诗、撰文、编码的功能。ChatGPT 广受用户欢迎, 短短五天注册用户数量便超过 100 万,60 日月活破亿。产业界如微软、谷歌、百度 也对于 openAI 及其竞品加大投入。
ChatGPT has already made AI accessible ChatGPT brought conversational AI to the mainstream last year, letting users create poems, compose college essays, write code, and even shave hours off their work. Based on GPT-3.5, a large language model released last year, ChatGPT has wowed the web ...
ChatGPT是总部位于旧金山的AI研究公司OpenAI开发的一款AI聊天机器人。该产品2022年11月发布,可以进行从历史到哲学等话题的对话,生成泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)或比利·乔尔(Billy Joel)风格的歌词,并对计算机编程代码提供编辑建议。 ChatGPT is t...
Best AI chatbot overall ChatGPT is a hugely successfulconversational AI chatbotreleased in November 2022 by OpenAI. It has advanced capabilities, such as performing writing tasks well, including composing emails,essays,resumes, and lists. It is also highly proficient in STEM tasks likewritinganddebugg...
Run your own GPTChat Telegram bot, with a single command! telegram-botopenaigpt-3gptchat UpdatedApr 10, 2023 Go gitbito/CLI Star535 Code Issues Pull requests Bito CLI (Command Line Interface) provides a command line interface to the Bito AI chat functionality. Over time, CLI will add more...
ChatGPT offers a robust and versatile platform that simplifies content creation across multiple fields. With its evolving features, including voice interaction, image analysis, and memory capabilities, it caters to various user needs. Although it has limitations, especially with niche topics and image ...