Eyeshadow palette with pearly pink, matte dusky rose, soft brown and shimmering rose gold shades to unlock the PILLOW TALK EFFECT for the eyes! £46.00 Earn 46 Loyalty CoinsLearn more Find your shades Charlotte Tilbury Exclusives Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme. Earn every time you shop!
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Shop The Pillow Talk Lip Kit, featuring Charlotte's iconic nude-pink matte lipstick, lip liner and creamy lip gloss for the perfect everyday makeup look.
Charlotte Tilburyhas launched several newPillow Talkproducts, adding highlighters, palettes, blush, eyeshadows and new mascara shades to the pink-inspired collection. The brand also packaged new and existing products from the Pillow Talk line into makeup kits that create a...
The Pillow Talk Luxury Palette & Palette of Pops Duo CN¥900 产品介绍 产品故事 打造迷人魅惑的极美双眸! Charlotte Tilbury奢华四色眼影盘系列,解锁明星电眼秘诀,让你的双眸魅力十足!眼影盘包装采用奢美玫瑰金设计,内嵌系列眼影,极易上妆,立现魅惑双眸;组合多样,瞬间变妆,轻松Hold住所有场合。
Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk 唇頰彩-Color Of Dream 。 美妝保養分類:彩妝,臉部 說明: 8g 易於混合的雪紡質地 富含柔軟、保濕的覆盆子葉幹細胞提取物和保濕維生素 E,令雙唇看起來柔滑甘美
PILLOW TALK 家族不完全测评,包括5只口红,2盘四色眼影及腮红。 论【色号大IP】没人玩得比CT阿姨更6了。作为北美最受欢迎的口红色号之一,PT在亚洲却一直拼不过大热的walk of shame(WOS)。今年春夏新品补足了原版PT颜色太浅的缺陷,推出了Medium 和 Intense,为更多肤色
Charlotte Tilbury Instant Eye Palette Pillow Talk (这个眼影盘是限量)Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk Lipsticks: Original,2 Medium, 3 IntenseCharlotte Tilbury Magic Red
pillow talk购于Charlotte tilbury英国官网,exaggereyes购于cult beauty。这两盘单看起来还差不太多,都是温温柔柔的配色,放在一起对比还是比较明显的。pillow talk是杏粉色,两个珠光色,两个哑光色;exaggereyes是棕调大地色,三个珠光色,一个哑光色。这两盘最右下角的呀光色我都很喜欢,ex盘偏豆沙色,pillow...
Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk 腮红套装 8.5折 £21.22(约187元)Cult Beauty | 爆料人: 小米粒 更新时间:2024年12月01日去购买 拿返利 Cult Beauty 现有 Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk 腮红套装,原价£25.00,现特价£21.22(约187.00元)。 8.5折+额外9.5折,需要使用优惠码:CBAFF15。 有效期至北京时间 2024年...