charity: water is a global nonprofit organization on a mission to end the water crisis by bringing clean and safe water to communities in need.
charity: water is a global nonprofit organization on a mission to end the water crisis by bringing clean and safe water to communities in need.
这种方式令 charity: water 的捐款授权使用情况更加透明。 charity: water 的创始人斯科特·哈里森(Scott Harrison)在今年多伦多技术“碰撞”大会上的演讲中谈到,在与水井资助人交流,他们可以把手机上的数据调出来展示,告诉对方这口井昨天提供了多少清洁水。 尽管charity: water 大部分的项目都集中在非洲,但他们还在柬埔...
据Charity:water估计,这些传感器将继续帮助130,854人获得洁净水,这要归功于它们长达10年的使用寿命。 这一试验阶段的成功使Charity:water得以开始生产另外1500套传感器,他们预估这些传感器将帮助来自世界偏远地区的579,000人获得清洁水。 来自India Mark II传感器的数据可帮助部署这些传感器的非政府组织能够在其供水点提供...
网络释义 1. 水慈善 ...影响力奖”得主包括在非洲各地数千地点装设流量器的“水慈善”(Charity Water),可获500万美元奖金,以及使用濒危物种“D…|基于11个网页 2. 慈善之水 斯科特·哈里森是致力于全球洁净饮用水需求的非营利性机构“慈善之水”(Charity Water)的创始人和首席执行官。5年...
u-blox and charity: water continue to leverage the power of IoT to bring clean drinking water to the world’s most vulnerable. In 2023, charity: water will be field-testing a new version of the Afridev sensor and continuing to pilot. ...
These donors are some of charity: water’s most dedicated: their investment fuels charity: water’s long-term mission, its ability to scale as an organization and its mission to continue using 100% of public donations for water projects. charity: water also operates a fundraising platform and ...
Your monthly donation will help charity: water bring clean and safe water and sanitation programs to communities around the world. Become a monthly donor. Join The Spring.
全世界有 6.63 亿人没有干净的水可用。成立于2006年的非营利组织charity: water 的使命就是为开发中国家的居民提供干净且安全的饮用水,改变这个现状。 脏水是致命的,但在美国以及其他西方国家,并没有这种顾虑和担忧。所以为了让大家深切的感受到脏水对于生命的威胁,DigitasLBi借助Buzzfeed的所开设的Tasty美食频道,进行...
Who is charity:water? 785 million people lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water. charity:water believes that no one should live without clean water and use 100% of donations to bring clean water to people in developing countries. ...