Coliforms and fungi were not detected on day 0 in KS-treated and 60 min steamed K woka. Marked reductions in aerobic plate counts (APC) and in the population of the different bacterial groups were observed in all samples following steaming, These increased sharply within 1 day of storage, ...
TCRSs (Two-component regulatory systems) are found in bacteria, yeast, fungi and plant, and enable organisms to rapidly sense and adapt to specific environments[32]. TCRSs consisted of a sensor kinase and a response regulator, and are involved in regulating diverse processes, such as chemotaxis...
Hollows, cavities, and fungi on trunks or branches often raise concerns about potential safety risks to the public and infrastructure (falling branches; trees uprooted or toppled by wind)64,65,66. In addition, the decay of standing trees is a significant safety concern67, as the trunk, branch...
were the most frequent fungi isolated from the tested soil and were averaged 8.3-5.5 CFU mgSUP-1/SUP soil, respectively. Further studies are needed to clarify the distribution of fungal flora especially ITrichoderma /Isp. in the Libyan soil....
more than 100 GAs have been identified in plants, fungi, and bacteria; however, only a few GAs exhibit biological activities. GA1, GA3, GA4, and GA7are the major bioactive GAs; other GAs are non-bioactive and act as precursors of the bioactive forms7. To understand the roles of GAs in...
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor Sparrow, FK (1969) Zoosporic marine fungi from the Pacific Northwest (U.S.A.). Arch Mikrobiol 66: pp. 129-146 CrossRef Stokes, NA, Ragone Calvo, LM, Reece, KS, Burreson, EM (2002) Molecular diagnostics, field validation, and phylogenetic ...
Berr A et al (2010) Arabidopsis histone methyltransferase SET DOMAIN GROUP8 mediates induction of the jasmonate/ethylene pathway genes in plant defense response to necrotrophic fungi. Plant Physiol 154(3):1403–1414 Article CAS PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar Biémont C, Vieira CJN (2006)...
However, none of the yeast-expressed tomato HXK genes was sensitive either to T6P or to trehalose, suggesting that unlike fungi HXKs, plant HXKs are not regulated by T6P.doi:10.1007/s00425-006-0318-9Springer-VerlagPlantaKandel-Kfir M, Damari-Weissler H, German MA, Gidoni D, Mett A,...
were mainly from the 5′- termini of contigs 13, 17, 23, 24 and the 3′-terminus of contig 22. According to a previous report, these fragments of the Wisconsin 54-1255 genome were not found in the genomes of other sequenced filamentous fungi, such asAspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger...
microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP), ALP activity, and available-Ti/Fe contents were almost unaffected by TiO2NPs/Fe3O4NPs addition. In addition, the addition of TiO2NPs/Fe3O4NPs had no influence on the numbers of soil bacteria and fungi and plant biomass and total P uptake of oilseed ...