Effect of Honey Concentration on Morphometric Characteristics of Betta Fish (Betta Splendens)Adnan AdnanHartono HartonoSaparuddin SaparuddinInternational Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT)
Explore the class Osteichthyes. Learn the Osteichthyes definition and understand their characteristics. Discover the sub-classes of Osteichthyes...
Birman cats have also been called the “Sacred Cats of Burma” and have a remarkable mythological story surrounding their origins. Their actual origins remain a mystery. But what we do know is that in the 1920s, these cats arrived in France and were named Birmanie (Birman for short), which...
Haematology, morphology and blood cells characteristics of male and female Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). Comparative Clinical Pathology, 19(4): 367-373.OTLAGH S P, ZAREJABAD A M, NASRABADI R G, et al. Haematology, morphology and blood cells characteristics of male and female ...
Perciform, (order Perciformes), any member of the largest group of fishes in the world, represented by more than 6,000 species placed in about 150 families. Perciforms are bony fishes that occur in abundance in both marine and freshwater areas of the wor
type of aquarium Close minimum aquarium size Not Less Than 50 Liters temperature of water Near 25°C layers of habitat in the aquarium Top Layer, Middle Layer compatibility With Large Peaceful Fish light needs Muted bottom type in the aquarium Coarse Sand, PebbleAphanius characteristics and descrip...
The Hokkaido can get along with other dogs if you socialize them as a puppy. We’d suggest only raising them with pups of a comparable size or larger because of their strength and stamina. Other pets are another story. We don’t recommend getting this pooch if you have a cat or other...
20 species (Van Etten et al. 1991, Zingone 1995), and now also includes a number of dinoflagellates (Tarutani et al. 2001, Onji et al. 2003, Tomaru et al. 2004a) and diatoms (Nagasaki et al. 2004a, 2005b, Bettarel et al. 2005). Ever since the discovery of viral infection in...
Betta splendensSiamese fighting fish Betta splendens in Thailand inhabit shallow water amongst dense emergent vegetation near the margin of rice paddy fields. Nesting water was low in dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity but high in free carbon dioxide and temperature. This fish aggregated with a mean ...
Institute of Marine ResearchThe Kasetsart JournalThongprajukaew, K., Kovitvadhi, U., Engkagul, A. &Rungruangsak- Torrissen, K., 2010. Temperature and pH characteristics of amylase and lipase at different development stages of siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens Regan, 1910). The ...