The figure shows that the model is highly accurate at both large and small occupancies but is less accurate otherwise due to the gradual saturation effect. 在下图中dots是在很大的arrays中执行kernel的结果. 对于大的或小的occupancy(SM中warp占用率)时候都相当准确,但是在有gradual saturation effect 时候...
This article draws a comparison between the dielectric performances of the prepared perovskites 1 and 2 and the previously reported results, which shows that these materials exhibit large dielectric constants (103) at low frequencies, leading to structural fluctuations and slow-moving ions. In addition...
心理语言学:CH3perception - 副本讲解 Chapter3:SpeechPerception 精品资料 OverviewofQuestions •Cancomputersperceivespeechaswellashumans?•Whydoesanunfamiliarforeignlanguageoftensoundlikeacontinuousstreamofsound,withnobreaksbetweenwords?•Doeseachwordthatwehearhaveauniquepatternofairpressurechangesassociatedwithit?...
Fig. 3(a) shows the transfer characteristic of the CH3NH3PbI3-xClx perovskite VFEPT. With the gradual increase of VSD, the electrical neutral point shifts to the high voltage. Fig. 3(b) shows the I–V characteristic (ID–VSD) of the CH3NH3PbI3-xClx perovskite VFEPT, solid lines repr...
Figure 3 shows a strong endothermic peak at 388 K with an enthalpy of 22.26 kJ/mol. The two phases were denoted as phase I, which refers to the region above 388 K, and phase II, which refers to the region below 388 K. Figure 3 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curve of [NH2(...
Switching on the light does not show this effect as demonstrated in Fig. 3. It changes the spin susceptibility, ESR linewidth and resonance field by an amount that corresponds to different temperature changes. This cannot be explained by a temperature effect. This shows unambiguously that we are...
1、3CHAPTERStatement of cash flows is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing, and financing activities. Essentially, the cash flow statement is concerned with the flow ...
In methanol there is a large effect due to the isotopic substitution [D(CH3OH)/D(CH3O2H)鈮 1.1] and there appears to be a correlation with the square root of the moments of inertia of the two isotopic species. Ethanol shows... RL Hurle,AJ Easteal,LA Woolf - 《Journal of the Chemi...
The temperature evolution of the Laue diffraction patterns shows that the orthorhombic reflections remain almost at the same positions in the incommensurate phases; however, the intensity of these main reflections diminishes as the temperature decreases, particularly in the vicinity of the monoclinic phase...
(Supplementary Fig.13) shows that the intensities of ‘I’ columns initially increase and then gradually decrease while the intensities of ‘II’ columns continuously increase and the intensities of ‘III’ columns initially decrease and then gradually increase. Finally, intensities of all three type...