22 3 Photo Copy of Card of the claimant and the patient duly verified by CMO I/C 4 Medical Reimbursement Claim Form (MRC (S) for serving and MRC (P) for pensioner) available on cghs.gov.in under the link: downloads) duly signed by main card holder/claimant in case of death of ...
CGHS Medical Claims Reimbursement Guidelines for Medical Claim reimbursement claim and Permission cases - Controller of Defence Accounts Circular dated 01.09.2023 Office of the Controller of Defence AccountsRajendra Path, Patna- 800019 Circular No -AN/Pay/Med/ Patna/Vol-III Date: 01/09/2023 ToThe ...
How do I use the CGHS Card? In case of sickness or emergency, the card user can avail help from any hospital. After medication, the employee will submit a reimbursement claim to the respective department. How much do I pay for the CHGS scheme Every employee is entitled to a particular am...
The court order was issued on a petition by a retired central government official who had sought treatment from two private hospitals and demanded the reimbursement of medical bills. The government ha...