Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is a specific type of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and has distinct hematopathologic, cytogenetic, clinical and molecular features. This study was a retrospective review of 18 adult patients (10 male, 8 female; mean age of 32.17 ± 5.66 (15–61 ...
JeunesOCentre - Région Centre 5939 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 JeunesOCentre - Région Centre最新版截图 # JeunesOCentre - Région Centre最新版 L’application JeunesOCentre, c'est carrément le bon plan ! Édité par la Région Centre,, c’est...
Aim: The study was designed to compare the coronary angiographic lesions in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and chronic stable angina (CSA) based on the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology (AHC/ACC) stenosis morphology classification in a tertiary care center in Ban...
The effect of dobutamine infusion on splanchnic blood flow and oxygen transport in patients with acute pancreatitis. Objectives : To measure the blood flow distribution and oxygen transport in pancreatitis and to evaluate the regional effects of increased systemic blood f... E Ruokonen,A Uusaro,E...
Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2004, Pages 86–87 About ScienceDirect Contact and support Information for advertisers Terms and conditions Privacy policy Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. except certain content provided by third parties. ScienceDirect® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B....
AP Berger,M Niescher,R Spranger,H Steiner,W Horninger 摘要: Objectives: To evaluate the Targis System ® in men presenting with acute urinary retention, high prostate volume and high operative risk. Materials and Methods: Between August 1997 and March 2001, a total of 78 patients in poor...
王拥军等(天坛医院)NewEngJMed--Tenecteplaseversusalteplaseinacuteischaemiccerebrovascularevents(TRACE-2):aphase3,ulticentre,open-label,randomisedcontrolled,non-inferioritytrial 手机查看收藏查看附件导出纠错标书代写 招标单位: 首都医科大学 发布时间: 2024-05-24 正文内容 王拥军等(天坛医院)NewEngJMed--Tenectepla...
Its activity include a national prospettive registry of laparoscopic liver re…" [more]doi:10.1016/j.dld.2017.08.009G. GermaniE. RomandiniA. FerrareseA. ZanettoM. GambatoM. SenzoloF.P. RussoF. D'AmicoU. CilloP. BurraDigestive and Liver Disease...
The goal of this study was to evaluation of oxidative stress in severe acute malnourished children at malnutrition treatment centre of S. P. Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.Methods: The cross sectional study was conducted after the approval of ethical committee, in the Department of ...
Polyoxirannes et polythiirannes comportant un centre chiral dans la chaine latérale, 1. Synthèse et pureté optique de diastéréoisomères des époxy-1,2 méthyl-3 pentane et épithio-1,2 méthyl-3 pentanedoi:10.1002/macp.1979.021800509Michel Goguelin...