In this way we generalize the important Kullback-Leibler distance. A comparison between classical and quantum characteristics of the FPE solutions is made.ROCHEMichel
Dans un monde toujours plus interconnecté et interactif, nous imaginons des solutions en développant et en intégrant les technologies les plus adaptées en matière de processus, de produits et de services numériques. Nous avons pour objectif d’aligner la transformation de l’activité sur le...
AMS makes sure that, in metrology terms, working reference materials (RM) match the certified reference materials issued by BAM and UKAS. These RM are used as calibration mixtures for process gas chromatographs (PGC) employed in RWE Transgas Net's network.Jarmila BendováPlyn...
This study of outcomes for the Inuulitsivik birth centers, aims to improve understanding of maternity services in remote communities. Methods We used a retrospective review of perinatal outcome data collected at each birth at the Inuulitsivik birth centers to examine outcomes for 1,372 labors and...
Estimation de la temperature maximale d'enfouissement du Toarcien et du Callovo-Oxfordien au centre du bassin de Paris par les marqueurs organiques. Comptes Rendus Geosciences 337, 1323-1330.Menetrier, C., Elie, M., Martinez, L., Le Solleuz, A., Disnar, J.-R., Robin, C., ...
So according to these new events, we had to go back to the theory in order to find new postulates for describing and explaining the new observations. In the end, we chose to study this case with and abductive methodology in order to find better explanations.Ryan GilbeyBibliogr...