JeunesOCentre - Région Centre 6115 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 JeunesOCentre - Région Centre最新版截图 # JeunesOCentre - Région Centre最新版 L’application JeunesOCentre, c'est carrément le bon plan ! Édité par la Région Centre,, c’est...
This study compares the effect of standard moist open technique management and a moist closed technique for partial thickness burns of the face. Patients with partial-thickness facial burns admitted in the burn unit, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt in the period from April 2009 to December ...
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is relatively uncommon in young adults as compared to the older population. Our objective was to assess the prevalence, demographic distribution, and risk factors for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) ...
A clinical study of risk factors of acute pancreatitis in a tertiary care centre in north India Background: According to Atlanta Symposium, acute pancreatitis (AP) was defined as an acute inflammatory process of the pancreas that may also involve peri-pancreatic tissues and/or remote organ systems...
not one building seemed untouched by war. La Fortière was reached on 6 August 1944 but the hospital had to stand by waiting for the field to be de-mined by the Engineers. Pulling up to the area, the men were met by an old farmer and his family who ran out to meet their liberator...
AP Berger,M Niescher,R Spranger,H Steiner,W Horninger 摘要: Objectives: To evaluate the Targis System ® in men presenting with acute urinary retention, high prostate volume and high operative risk. Materials and Methods: Between August 1997 and March 2001, a total of 78 patients in poor...
Abstract BACKGROUND: Intracoronary thrombus in acute myocardial infarction (MI) confers higher rates of no-reflow with attendant adverse consequences. Earlier randomized-controlled-trials (RCTs) of routine thromboaspiration during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) indicated a clinical benefit, but mor...
Polyoxirannes et polythiirannes comportant un centre chiral dans la chaine latérale, 1. Synthèse et pureté optique de diastéréoisomères des époxy-1,2 méthyl-3 pentane et épithio-1,2 méthyl-3 pentanedoi:10.1002/macp.1979.021800509Michel Goguelin...
王拥军等(天坛医院)NewEngJMed--Tenecteplaseversusalteplaseinacuteischaemiccerebrovascularevents(TRACE-2):aphase3,ulticentre,open-label,randomisedcontrolled,non-inferioritytrial 手机查看收藏查看附件导出纠错标书代写 招标单位: 首都医科大学 发布时间: 2024-05-24 正文内容 王拥军等(天坛医院)NewEngJMed--Tenectepla...
招标单位 首都医科大学 预算金额 中标单位 中标金额 代理单位 相关产品 联系方式 正文内容 王拥军等(天坛医院)NewEngJMed--Tenecteplaseversusalteplaseinacuteischaemiccerebrovascularevents(TRACE-2):aphase3,ulticentre,open-label,randomisedcontrolled,non-inferioritytrial 文件下载 附件下载 文件下载下载 ...