Between-centre differences in care for in-hospital cardiac arrest: a prospective cohort study.doi:10.1186/S13054-021-03754-8B Y GravesteijnM SchluepH F LingsmaR J StolkerH EndemanS E HoeksBioMed Central
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会展城是国内专业国际展会一站式服务平台,为企业提供2019梅斯国际会展中心(Metz - Centre International des Congrès et Foires Expositions)展会排期, 梅斯国际会展中心(Metz - Centre International des Congrès et Foires Expositions)展馆地址等梅斯国际
And excellent indeed will be the home (i.e. Paradise) of the pious. Adn (Eden) Paradise (Gardens of Eternity) which they will enter, under which rivers flow, they will have therein all that they wish. Thus Allah rewards the pious. Those whose lives the angels take while they are in ...
Polyoxirannes et polythiirannes comportant un centre chiral dans la chaine latérale, 1. Synthèse et pureté optique de diastéréoisomères des époxy-1,2 méthyl-3 pentane et épithio-1,2 méthyl-3 pentanedoi:10.1002/macp.1979.021800509Michel Goguelin...
C. DerbridgeA. HuissoonL. DiwakarE. ErenRichard CrossmanWileyKrishna MT, York M, Chin T, Gnanakumaran G, Heslegrave J, Derbridge C, et al. Multi-centre retrospective analysis of anaphylaxis during general anaesthesia in the United Kingdom: aetiology and diagnostic performance of acute serum...
It was 232 boys (60.7 %) and 150 girls (39.3 %), mean age of 5.5 years. They had less than 5 years n = 174 (45.6%). The most observed severity criteria were anemia n = 235 (61.5%), repeated convulsions n = 104 (27.2%), coma, n = 70 (18.3%) n = hemoglobinuria ...
Kelly, C., Conigrave, K.M., 2002. The Sydney medically supervised injecting cen- tre: a controversial public health measure. Aust. N. Z. J. Public Health 26, 552-554.Kelly, C., & Conigrave, K. M. (2002). The Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre: a controversial public ...
Microenvironnement et lymphomes B du centre germinatif (importance de la niche mésenchymateuse)Follicular lymphoma (FL) results from the malignant transformation of germinal center-derived B cells that accumulate within lymph nodes. This disease is characterized by ...
Rituximab, traitement de la myasthénie grave: cas pratique au centre hospitalier de PerpignanBackground: Rituximab is a human-mouse chimeric IgG1 monoclonal antibody directed against antigen CD-20, transmembrane phosphoprotein on B cells. This drug induce depletion of B cells and subsequent ...