Cell-Free Massive MIMO中没有小区,所有服务天线一致地为所有用户终端服务。 Cell-Free Massive MIMO目前只是一个新概念;它是MIMO与协作多点联合处理(Comp)的新实用且可扩展的版本。在某种程度上是基于良好传播和信道化化特性Massive MIMO技术的新应用。
Cell Free Massive MIMO with Limited Capacity Fronthaul 关于"Channel hardening in massive MIMO" 信道「硬化」:理论上讲,当m-MIMO发射天线足够多(趋于无穷)时,随机矩阵理论的一些特性可以得到应用,比如如果天线数目足够(趋于无穷),信道参数将会从原有的具有随机性变为逐渐变为确定性,信道的相干时间也可能会随之延...
We consider the downlink of Cell-Free Massive MIMO systems, where a very large number of distributed access points (APs) simultaneously serve a much smaller number of users. Each AP uses local channel estimates obtained from received uplink pilots and applies conjugate beamforming to transmit data...
Recently, the so-called cell-free Massive MIMO architecture has been introduced, wherein a very large number of distributed access points simultaneously and jointly serve a much smaller number of mobile stations. This paper introduces a user- centric virtual cell approach to cell-free massive MIMO...
“System model of cell-free massive MIMO” section offers a detailed account of the CF-mMIMO system modeling and configuration. The application of CF massive MIMO in channel hardening, NOMA, EE, and more are discussed in the “Areas of application of cell-free massive MIMO” section. Open ...
论文笔记《Cell-Free Massive MIMO With Radio Stripes and Sequential Uplink Processing》,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
A Cell-Free Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) system comprises a very large number of distributed access points (APs)which simultaneously serve a much smaller number of users over the same time/frequency resources based on directly measured channel characteristics. The APs and users have...
We consider a cell-free Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system and investigate the system performance for the case when the quantized version of the estimated channel and the quantized received signal are available at the central processing unit (CPU), and the case when only the qu...
1.在Cell-freeMassiveMIMO下的正交多址与非正交多址的结合方法,其特征在于: 将所有用户分成L簇,每簇内用户数为1或2,每簇内的用户使用相同的导频,不同簇用户使用相互正交的导频,则正交导频的个数为L; 将AP随机分为两部分,一部分为OMA用户提供服务,即每簇内用户数为1的簇,即k l =1,为OMA用户提供服务的...