Cell adhesion molecules are cell-surface proteins that account for cell-to-cell and/or cell-to-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. Cell adhesion molecules act at the cell surface where they interact with the molecules that are expressed on an opposing cell surface or are present in the ECM...
解析 细胞粘附分子(cell adhesion molecules,CAM):是指介导细胞间或细胞与细胞外基质间相互接触和结合的一类分子的统称,大多属于糖蛋白,以受体-配体结合的形式发挥作用,在胚胎的发育和分化、正常组织的维持、炎症与免疫应答、伤口修复、凝血及肿瘤的进展与转移等过程中具有重要意义。
The meaning of CELL ADHESION MOLECULE is any of various molecules (such as cadherins, integrins, and selectins) on the surface of a cell that bring about adhesion by binding to molecules on the surface of other cells or on extracellular material —abbrev
Synaptically localized cell adhesion molecules (SAMs), are multifunctional molecules that coordinate different aspects of synaptic development and function through specialized signalling or protein–protein interaction motifs. Neurexin–neuroligin signalling has a role in the development of pre- and postsynaptic...
1、细胞粘附分子CellAdhesionMoleculesCAM 1.定义 是介导细胞与细胞或细胞与细胞外基质间相互接触和结合的一类膜表面糖蛋白分子。 以受体与配体方式相互作用,通过增加细胞间粘附作用和或传递信号而促进细胞的功能。一、基本概念选择素家族 selectin整合素家族 integrin粘蛋白样家族Ig家族 IgSF钙粘蛋白家族 cadherin尚未归类的...
•Cell–CellAdhesion:主要依靠细胞粘附分子(CelladhesionmoleculesCAMS)直接将2个细胞连接在一起;•Cell-MatrixAdhesion:靠粘着受体(Adhesionreceptor)将细胞与胞外基质连接在一起;Majorfamiliesofcell-adhesionmolecules(CAMs)6.2Majoradhesiveinteractionsthatbindcellstoeachotherandtotheextracellularmatrix 缝隙连接 紧密...
第9章细胞粘附分子CellAdhesionMolecules,CAM 一、基本概念 1.定义是介导细胞与细胞或细胞与细胞外基 质间相互接触和结合的一类膜表面糖蛋白分子。以受体与配体方式相互作用,通过增加细胞间粘附作用和或传递信号而促进细胞的功能。2.分类 选择素家族selectin整合素家族integrin粘蛋白样家族Ig家族IgSF钙粘蛋白家族cadherin ...
Cell Adhesion Molecules Several types of molecule are specifically expressed on the cell surface to provide cell–cell recognition and cell adhesion to surrounding cells. Under quiescent conditions, adhesion molecules participate in maintenance of endothelial barrier function, enforcing contacts between ce...
E-cadherin is a major homophilic cell-cell adhesion molecule that inhibits motility of individual cells on matrix. However, its contribution to migration of cells through cell-rich tissues is less clear. We developed an in vivo sensor of mechanical tension across E-cadherin molecules, which we co...