The results showed that the ZnO/ZnS/CZTS/Mo solar cell is the better option, outperforming the CdS/CZTS/Mo solar cell in terms of short-circuit current density Jsc, open-circuit voltage Voc, form factor FF, and photovoltaic efficiency 畏. The study also investigated the ef...
The UPSC conducts the CDS exam two times in a year, CDS 1 and CDS 2. The CDS 2 exam 2024 is scheduled for 2nd September 2024. The CDS 2 question paper 2024 will be updated here for the candidates to cownlaod for all the sets. The Combined Defence ...
Jumbo CDs are also known as negotiable certificates of deposits and come in bearer form. It works like a conventional certificate of deposit that locks in the principal amount for a set time frame and is payable upon maturity. To get more detailed information on each of these CDs and to fin...