Leucocyte common antigen (CD45) and CD5 positivity in an “undifferentiated” carcinoma: a potential diagnostic pitfall. J Clin Pathol. 2007;60(8):936–8. CentralN. Ngo, K. Patel, P.G. Isaacson, K.N. Naresh, Leucocyte common antigen (CD45) and CD5 positivity in an ``undifferentiated...
The CD45 (leucocyte common) antigen is a haemopoietic cell-specific tyrosine phosphatase essential for efficient T and B cell antigen receptor signal transduction 1, 2. Multiple CD45 isoforms can be generated by complex alternative splicing of exons 4 (A), 5 (B) and 6 (C), in the extracel...
摘要: CD45在免疫系统中的意义叶敏(中科院上海细胞生物学研究所上海200031)CD45,又称白细胞共同抗原(Leucocytecom-monantigen,LCA)或T200.存在于所有造血细胞来源的有核细胞表面,在红细胞,血小板上没有.它是一组含量丰...更多还原关键词:CD45 白细胞共同抗原 免疫学 ...
CD3/CD19/CD45,For identification of mature human activated T (CD3+/CD19-) lymphocytes and B (CD3-/CD19+) lymphocytes. CD45 identifies leucocytes and recognizes a 180- to 220-kDa human leucocyte antigen that is a me
产品介绍CD45RO is a single chain transmembraneous glycoprotein which represents the low molecular weight isoform of the Leucocyte Common Antigen (LCA). It is expressed on most thymocytes, about 45% of peripheral blood T cells, virtually all T cells in skin reactive infiltrates, and the majority...
leucocyte common antigen leukocyte common antigen leukocyte common antigen A leukocyte common antigen B Protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor-type, c polypeptide receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C RT7 T200 T200 glycoprotein 基因序列:NCBI_Gene:24699 ...
The CD45 (leucocyte common) antigen is a haemopoietic cell specific tyrosine phosphatase essential for antigen receptor signalling in lymphocytes, and expression of different CD45 isoforms is associated with distinct functions. Here we describe a novel polymorphism in exon 4 (A54G) of the gene encod...
CD45,叉称白细胞共同抗原(Leucocytecorn— mollantigen,LCA)或T200,存在于所有造血细胞 来源的有棱细胞表面,在红细胞、血小板上没有。它 是~组含量丰富的膜蛋白,在^外周血淋巴细胞上, 占表面蛋白的10%,这也说明这分子的重要性。 CD45的分子量为180~240kD,至少有6种异型 ...
The monoclonal antibody, UCHL1, recognizes a 180,000 MW component of the human leucocyte-common antigen, CD45. Immunology. 1988; 64(2):331-336. (Biology). 6. Terstappen LW, Levin J. Bone marrow cell differential counts obtained by multidimensional flow cytometry. Blood Cells. 1992; 18(2...
Knapp W,et al.1989. Leucocyte Typing IV. Oxford University Press. New York. Kishihara K,et al.1993.Cell74:143. Esser M,et al.2001.J. Virol.75:6173. (WB) Yamada T,et al.2002.J. Biol. Chem.277:28830. Nagano M,et al.2007.Blood110:151. ...