[3]Park H, Li Z, Yang X O,et al.A distinct lineage of CD4 T cells regulates tissue inflammation by producing interleukin 17. Nat Immunol,2005,6(11): 1133-1141 [4]Fantini M C, Becker C, Monteleone G,et al.Cutting edge: TGF-beta ...
stimulation14,15. Interestingly, the TCR-independent activation of CD4+T cells has primarily been observed in memory (CD44high) cells, while naïve (CD44low) cells exhibit lower reactivity13,14,15. Thus, it appears that cytokines and innate receptors, such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs), can...
当然,除了CD8+T细胞,其他T细胞亚型,比如CD4+T细胞以及其亚类调节性T细胞(regulatory T cells,简称Tregs)在TCC发生发展中的作用,以及对靶向PD-1的免疫治疗效果的影响,仍旧不得而知。 近日,来自美国加州大学的Chun Jimmie Ye和Lawrence Fong研究组在Cell杂志上发表题为Intratumoral CD4 T Cells Mediate Anti-tumor Cytot...
近日,来自美国华盛顿大学医学院的Robert D. Schreiber团队于Nature上在线发表题为Neoantigen-specific cytotoxic Tr1 CD4 T cells suppress cancer immunotherapy的文章,使用含有MHC Ⅰ类 (MHC-I) 新抗原和不同剂量的肿瘤源性MHC-Ⅱ新抗原的疫苗,发现虽然包含低剂量MHC-Ⅱ限制性肽(LDVax)的疫苗促进了肿瘤排斥反应,但...
[3]Park H., et al., (2005) Distinct Lineage of CD4 T Cells Regulates Tissue Inflammation by Producing Interleukin 17Nat Immunol, 6 (11), 1133-41 [4]Harrington LE., et al., (2005) Inerleukin 17 pro-ducing CD4+effector T cells develop via a ...
具体来说,骨髓中长期存活的浆细胞 (long-lived plasma cells,简称LLPCs) 的沉积,以及由滤泡辅助性T细胞 (follicular helper T,简称Tfh) 维持的针对异体抗原的B细胞,是移植后持续产生新的DSA反应的关键因素。 间接T细胞靶向一组离散的免疫显性表位,并对T细胞受体 (TCR) 的使用呈现局限性。通过对这些多肽进行常规...
Specialized subpopulations of CD4+ T cells survey major histocompatibility complex class II–peptide complexes to control phagosomal infections, help B cells, regulate tissue homeostasis and repair or perform immune regulation. Memory CD4+ T cells are positioned throughout the body and not only protect...
总之,这些数据表明,TCF1hiCD4+ T细胞诱导可转移性和持续性血管炎,并将其指定为疾病干细胞。 图8 参考文献: [1]Sato et al. Stem-like CD4+ T cells in perivascular tertiary lymphoid structures sustain autoimmune vasculitis[J]. Sci Transl Med, 2023,9.6:15,eadh0380....
Conventional CD4+ T cells are composed of nave, pathogen-specific memory, and pathogen-independent memory-phenotype (MP) cells under steady state. Nave and pathogen-specific memory cells play key roles in adaptive immunity, whereas the homeostatic mechanisms regulating the generation of MP cells and...
In spite of these multiple DC defects, relB(-/-) BMC immunized with plasmid DNA targeted to the spleen as the site of immune induction develop a specific CD4(+) T cell response comparable to that of relB competent mice. These data demonstrate that CD4( +) T cells can be primed in ...