Fu B et al. CD11b and CD27 reflect distinct population and functional specialization in human natural killer cells. Immunology. 2011 Jul;133(3):350-9. Ding C et al. Inducing trained immunity in pro-metastatic macrophages to control tumor metastasis. Nat Immunol. 2023 Feb;24(2):239-254....
巨噬细胞(Macrophages,缩写为mø)是一种位于组织内的白血球,也称组织细胞(histocyte),源自单核细胞,由血液中的单核细胞穿过血管后分化而成。单核细胞进入结缔组织后,体积增大,内质网和线粒体增生,溶酶体增多,吞噬功能增强。其寿命因所在组织器官而异,一般可存活数月或更长。 巨噬细胞由来 巨噬细胞和单核细胞皆...
MACS Columns and MACS Separators: Monocytes and macrophages can be enriched (positive selection) or depleted by using MS, LS or XS Columns. For efficient depletion of myeloid cells from bone marrow, and depletion of granulocytes and NK cells we recommend using LD, CS or D Columns. Positive ...
macrophage(CD11bbeads)巨噬细胞磁珠分选说明.pdf,CD11b MicroBeads mouse/human Magnetic cell sorting Order No. 130-049-601 Index Examples of applications 1. Description ● Positive selection or depletion of human monocytes/macrophages 1.1 Principle of MACS
MACROPHAGESPARASITIC protozoaFEVERLEISHMANIA donovaniLEISHMANIAVisceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoa of the genus Leishmania and manifests clinical symptoms such as splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, anemia, and fever. It has previously been shown that B-cell-...
the CD11b antigen is expressed on monocytes/macrophages, and to a lower extent on granulocytes, NK cells, CD5+ B1 cells and a subset of dendritic cells.The CD11b (Mac-1 α; integrin αM chain) antibody reacts with the 170 kDa αM subunit of CD11b/CD18 heterodimer (Mac-1, αMß...
(complement receptor 3). CD11b is expressed on the surface of monocytes/macrophages, granulocytes, activated lymphocytes, a subset of NK cells, a subset of dendritic cells, and microglia in the brain. CD11b/CD18 functions as the receptor for ICAM-1 (CD54), ICAM-2 (CD102), ICAM-4 (CD...
monocytes/macrophages,andtoalowerextentongranulocytes,NKcells, CD5 + B1cellsandasubseto dendriticcells. TeCD11b(Mac-1α;integrinαMchain)antibodyreactswiththe 170kDaαMsubunito CD11b/CD18heterodimer(Mac-1,αMß2intergrin). It unctionsasareceptor orcomplement(C3bi), brinogenorclotting ...
splenic macrophages. Diseases associated with CD11b dysfunction include systemic lupus erythematosus 6 and ITGAM-related susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus. 仅用于科研。不用于诊断过程。未经明确授权不得转售。 How to use the Panel Builder