An Unusual Cause of Elevated LFTs: Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis: 1205Amer, SyedWalker, AndrewNguyen, CuongOfficial journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG
Feeding or Gastrointestinal difficulties + (G-tube) + history of abdominal pain, constipation, unexplained elevated LFTs- resolved − Genitourinary anomalies anteriorly placed anus, normal genitalia cryptorchidism micropenis − Other recurrent infections, oligohydramnios, malrotated right pelvic kidney ...
Masquerading Myositis: An Important Cause of Elevated LFTs: 820Dueker, JeffreyAhn, JosephNaugler, WillscottZaman, AtifDiamond, SarahOfficial journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG
Among the patients, 82 (60.7%) were under 30 years of age. Nearly half of the patients (64, 47. 4%) had some degree of liver damage indicated by deranged LFTs, 27 (42.1%) had elevated alanine transaminase (ALT), 7 (10.9%) had increased bilirubin, and 3...
A 62 year old female s/p cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis a year ago, with recurrent acute pancreatitis and mildly elevated LFTs with dilated biliary tree underwent ERCP that showed long cystic duct stump and dilated biliary tree without filling defects. Balloon sweep of CBD after sphinterotomy ...
The outcome of interest was a composite of adjudicated incident CVD and all-cause mortality. Participants who had liver function tests (LFTs) AST > 37 IU/mL or ALT > 40 IU/mL for men, and AST or ALT > 31 IU/mL for women were classified as having elevated LFTs. MAFLD was defined as...
Routine laboratory studies revealed elevated liver function tests (LFTs); ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed the diagnosis of PSC. Bartonella serology was positive. It is established that Bartonella infection is associated with both gastrointestinal inflammation and autoimmunity; indeed...