National Catholic Reporter: Bringing you independent reporting on the Catholic church and justice issues. NCR connects Catholics to church, faith and the common good with independent news, analysis and spiritual reflection.MORE Email *** Facebook Followers 281.6KTwitter Followers 54.4K...
That response reminded me of Martha’s statement to Jesus: “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” (John 11:21) It is possible that Martha was simply making a statement of faith in Christ’s power. But it is also possible that Martha was indirectly chiding Je...
” And then, in a deja vu moment, I remembered I’d asked that question a couple years ago and posted a reflection entitledFive Words. After re-reading it, I thought it was worthy of posting again as a reminder that it is our mission as Christians to be like St. John and point ...
Far from being joyfully disconnected from the world, being the heavenly Kingdom on earth (not only symbolically, but really), it becomes a reflection of an earthly nation, an expression of ethnic pride, a tool for a national agenda. Nothing can be more contrary to the meaning and purpose o...
On this beautiful Solemnity of the Annunciation let us join with the great St. John Henry Cardinal Newman in his prayer to Jesus: “Dear Jesus, Your Holy Mother cooperated with the divine plan for the human race. Let me try to imitate her in her obedience and service to You.” Thank ...
Regardless, this paper aims to enrich awareness of a matter which often exists in inchoate form in the minds of many Catholic school leaders and religious educators, as well as wider society, and in the process create a much-needed space for better informed and thoughtful reflection on the ...
Hence it is important to call for a renewed reflection on how rights presuppose duties, if they are not to become mere license [Cf. John Paul II, Message for the 2003 World Day of Peace, 5]. This is an important point, and people within the Church often fall into the trap of ...
A little reflection on all the unmerited goods that I have received, not the least of which is the gift of life itself, tends to temper the sense of rage I feel when thinking about the problems in the Church and the world. Related to this, I also notice in the pieces I have re...
I just used it for my personal reflection per se and then it sat on the desk of the Prefect for like four or five years before it was actually approved after the bishops had voted on it.23 In 2016, Thomas gave a talk organized by a California group called Catholics@Work, where he ...
” Media-Based Forms of Participation in Religious Practices“Searching for a Better Life with My Community”: Migratory Trends in Religious-Based Social Net-Works‘Dramatic Theology’ as a Process of Discernment for Our Time‘On the Lapsed’: Comparative Ethnographic Perspectives on ‘Lapsing’ ...