Being on with my DK and having to get into the melee scrum, I cam out with 12 kills, 11 deaths, and 213 honor. Still better than running Warsong Gulch and almost as big of a payout as Tol Barad. Anyway, to sum up, Horde does win some times, and even brings the numbers when th...
Subtlety DPS guide Rogue PvP Builds Level your Rogue Fast Introduction to Rogues Updated for Cataclysm patch 4.34 Rogues, like hunters, have a really easy time leveling; you could even say it’s in the class's pixilated blood. Running through monsters like a meat-grinder and hitting ...
A World of Warcraft Guide (GotWarcraft home) GW Gold Guide Guide Reviews GotWarcraft Blog Real World WoW Cooking Death Knight - DK Leveling - Blood Tanking - Frost DPS - Unholy DPS - PvP Builds Druid - Druid Leveling - Balance DPS - Feral Druid - Feral DPS - Feral Tank - ...
then you’re no doubt bringing a pet with you into battle that provides some sort of PvP utility. Obviously, should your pet die, you’d lose this ability, its talented pet family abilities, along with some added DPS. That’s no good. ...
The mentality of the person who will pay for an advantage in Diablo is the same as the mentality of someone who will pay for an advantage (via a guide) in WOW. And the number of people with that mentality is not a small one… as DI and other games (and the token etc) have demons...
GW Gold Guide Guide Reviews GotWarcraft Blog Real World WoW Cooking Death Knight - DK Leveling - Blood Tanking - Frost DPS - Unholy DPS - PvP Builds Druid - Druid Leveling - Balance DPS - Feral Druid - Feral DPS - Feral Tank - Restoration Druid - Restoration Healing - PvP Build...